Day 149

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Part One

This day was quite action packed if you ask me. During the first half of the day, Anna was slightly distant, but not to the point where we were worried. She was still talking about the whole "just date me already!" event and all of us were still listening, because we were intrigued. As we were changing from our P.E. clothes, getting ready to go to lunch, Anna ran off to somewhere. Just as we were about to leave the changing room, she burst through the door, practically hyperventilating, giving all of us her infamous smile. 

When she smiled like that, with her eyelashes batting and her cheeks reddening while looking down, it meant that she knew something, or was making something up, and she wanted you to ask her what it was.

And we did, we asked her. But she did the whole I-don't-know-what-you're-talking-about-but-keep-asking thing, but before she could break and brag, I guessed what had happened.

Based on the smudge of lipstick on her right cheek that didn't look like it got there when she accidentally missed her lips, I presumed someone had kissed her. And I was right. It was her crush. Apparently they had been doing math homework when things got too up close and personal. 

Which reminds me, allow me to introduce

Samuel Theodore- a small, tan, quiet guy that Anna was obsessed with. He was slightly cute, I'll admit, but that's about it. 

Part Two

Meanwhile, things were getting up close and personal for me and Logan too. As I was waiting for science class to start, accompanied by Enrique, Logan approached us. We had been talking a lot before science class and on this day the teacher got slightly held up, meaning we had more time to kill. I don't remember what we talked about, but I do remember him suddenly hugging me. Maybe it was something I said or maybe it was just him being weird. But all I know is that he initiated human contact.

As quickly as my day improved from Logan's odd act, it got even better. Moments before the teacher showed up, I, for some reason, mentioned cooties as a joke, when suddenly I felt my hands being lifted from my sides by a pair of cold, thin ones. Logan grabbed my palms, twisted them in his, and to make his actions of that day even weirder, placed my hands on his cheeks. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing, but I will never forget his jaw firmly positioned in my hands, placed there by his own. I swear, he started it. 

Part Three

To finish off the day and to save the best for last, I will now tell a story that isn't my own, and is one I should have known to stay out of. 

Do you remember how I never fully explained what happened between Ellie and Jack? Well, allow me to explain now. At last. 

When I ditched Anna after finding out Logan had snapped her shirtless, I hung out with Ellie. Most of the time was wasted by me complaining on and on about Logan and what Anna was doing blah blah blah. But eventually, Ellie decided to share what was going on in her life. 

She had been talking to Jack more and more often and eventually, after having realized her feelings for him, confessed them. And... he asked her on a date.

He said it was "to talk" and Ellie was going crazy about what that meant. From the day, Wednesday, that I found out, to the day, Friday, that it actually happened, she was worried sick. She kept thinking that it was a joke, that it may have been Arder laughing at her, I mean he did just say "so" instead of defending her. 

But the date happened. According to Ellie, it was going fine, they talked about everything, from tea to America. But then I ruined it. 

You see, as Ellie and Jack were making their way down the street, being a cute couple or whatever they'd want to be called, I, accompanied by Anna, was making my way down the street across from them, to pick my sister up from school. And all of a sudden, whether it was mine or Anna's, someone had the dumb idea to walk over to Ellie and Jack and talk to them. But apparently Jack had the same idea, since he started heading in our direction as well. 

We crashed their date. I mean, I should have known better, I should have walked away. I should've stopped Anna while she playfully took Jack's scarf and with a flirty look, sipped his chai tea latte. She crashed the date, and I didn't stop her. 

But it got worse. After we split, I was still waiting for my sister, when Jack and Ellie somehow made their way back to us. Now again, the story isn't mine to tell and I don't know all of the details, but according to Ellie, Jack spotted us and approached us first. Then, we all headed in the direction of our houses together. Ellie's stop was first. All Jack said was 

"I'm cold. See you Monday."

And as Ellie was already starting to feel like Jack was trying to get away from her, I made things even worse. Being me, annoying and intrusive,I asked Jack if he liked Ellie. And he, for some odd reason, said no. And Anna told Ellie. What a date. 

I'm sorry Ellie. For butting in, for later ignoring you just to fuss about Logan with Anna at McDo. But hey, it got better in the end didn't it?

Oh yes, there is more to it. And we will get to it way later. 

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