Day 81

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I'm not sure where to start with this one. A lot had been happening but this was the day that it all kinda came together. 

Well, let me begin by starting to tie some loose ends. You probably recall that I never got around to explaining Jack's part in my little story. Him and I were kinda-sorta friends but I just needed to know one last detail to officially move on. And so, I turned to our mutual friend, Phil. Phil and Jack were close enough to talk about personal stuff. So when I requested that Phil ask Jack who his favorite girl out of me and my friends was (I was hoping it would be me, of course) I was slightly shocked at his response.


Jack not only said she was his favorite out of the four of us, but he also crowned her as the hottest. The hotness was originally not part of the question... Little did we know. You may be sensing a pattern here. We will get to the rest of this plot twist later. 

Meanwhile, some more serious matters were going down. My journal entry was a bit messy and scattered for this day, but I still clearly remember finding out that Logan might be moving back to... wherever he came from (the city in which he lived prior to Paris is merely a detail, that, to this very day, stings whenever it is mentioned, so I will not be including it for obvious reasons...) because of his brother.

Allow me to explain: Logan's brother, Landon, had started a mini drug cartel on our very school's campus. He dealt a certain herb, quite illegal, to a whole lot of people. I mean, he was pretty much the king of the tenth grade. And by his side, his queen, as fate and irony would so funnily have it, was Anna's sister. Both of them got kicked out of school within a week of the drugs being discovered. 

Of course, the drugs didn't really affect me. The whole scenario didn't reach my grade. It was what came after that eventually blossomed into what wrecked me until the very end of the school year. 

When your sister and a classmate's brother are the only ones that get kicked out of school for the same purpose and on the same day, it obviously brings you closer to the classmate. That was the case for Anna and Logan. It started off with them running into each other at their siblings' interrogations and even meeting each others' parents. Then, very slowly, day by day, they started recognizing each other's presence across hallways, etc etc. But this was just the beginning. Let's call it Pre-Pop. Trust me, I will explain the science behind that a lot, later. 

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