Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Lauren's POV:

"Lauren, truth or dare?"


Rydel looked disappointed in my decision. She glanced over at Ross, and her face lit up. "What is your ideal first date?" she asked smiling.

"Well, a picnic on the beach and then a romantic walk along the shore while the sun is setting." I replied shyly, blushing slightly. "Okay, Riker, truth or dare?" I asked.

"Dare." he responded with a smirk. Ohh this is gonna be hilarious.

"Okay, I dare you to go outside and run around the neighborhood, in just your boxers, screaming 'I'm a pretty little princess.'" I said. He nodded his head then stripped down to his boxers, and headed outside. When he came back we were all on the ground laughing.

"Okay, my turn." he said with an evil grin. "Ross, truth or dare?"

"Uhh, dare."

Riker's grin widened. "I dare you and Lauren to sleep in your room tonight. And speaking of bed, its 11:30. We have a concert tomorrow. Goodnight guysss."

I gulped. Sleep with Ross? In HIS bed?! Oh no. Ross turned and looked at me, grabbed my hand, and dashed upstairs. When we got to his room, he shut the door and stood in the hall while I changed into my PJs. I put on a pair of sofi shorts and a cami. I knocked on the door to let him know that I was changed, then went and brushed my teeth, shutting the bathroom door behind me. I heard the door open and shut a couple of seconds later. After putting my toothbrush away, I opened the door and saw Ross in his boxers shirtless. I turned around blushing a deep shade of red. I heard him chuckle. Taking that as a sign that he is dressed, I turned back around, eyes on the floor, and walked over to the bed. I pulled the sheets up and got under them, avoiding eye contact with Ross. Not long after, I felt the bed dip and then someone's breath on my neck. The butterflies in my stomach had just tripled, making me blush. Watch your back Riker. I will get you.

Ross' POV:

I noticed that she had been trying to avoid eye contact with me. She does that a lot. "Why won't you look at me?" I asked, catching her off-guard.

"What? Oh, uhh..." she turned around, blushing a little. A couple of seconds went by before she looked me straight in the eyes. I took a deep breath. She had the most gorgeous chocolate-brown eyes I have ever seen.

"See, it's not that bad." I said to her with a smirk. She giggled before laying on her back and looking up at the ceiling. She took a deep breath. I sighed before rolling away from her and closing my eyes.

Lauren's POV:

I was woke up by someone's laughter. "What's so funny?" I mumbled groggily. That brought more laughter. "What?" I asked, getting slightly agitated, eyes still closed.

"Your hair." Ross responded, still laughing.

"Go away. I wanna sleep." I responded, grabbing a pillow and throwing it in the direction the laughter came from. I must have hit him cause I heard an ow followed by some mumbling. I put my face in the pillow to shield the light away from my eyes. Next thing I knew, someone had flipped me over and was on top of me.

"You shouldn't have done that!" Ross responded evilly. Then the torment began. He started tickling me and refused to stop.

" R-Ross. P-P-Please s-stop!" I said laughing.

"Not until you apologize and tell me that I'm the sexiest person in the world." he replied.

"Okay! Your t-the sexiest p-person in t-the w-world!" I responded. He stopped tickling me. I tried to sit up but couldn't cause he was still in top of me. I shoved him off and sat up. I looked around the room and couldn't find him. Where did he go so quickly? I shrugged before getting up and heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I had just finished when I heard something moving. I turned around and saw no one. I cautiously walked out of the bathroom.


"Ahhhh" I screamed. Ross started bursting out laughing. "That was not at all funny Ross!" I scolded, trying not to laugh. He gave me the puppy dog eyes, and I broke down laughing. "You're such a dork!"

He put his hand over his heart and looked hurt. I lightly punched him in the arm. "I was joking." I giggled. He took a deep breath and dramatically wiped his eyebrows off. I laughed. My phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered. Ross came closer to me.

"Sissy, I miss you. I wanna come visit you soon." It was my little sister, Olivia. She is 9 years old. She also dances, and she is amazing! Her solo last year, Havana, won her $741 at competitions. I was so proud of her. I miss her so much!

"I miss you too, Liv. Maybe if you ask Oplantic in your cute voice, maybe she will bring you to visit sometime soon. Or when I come to Ohio for one of their concerts, I can come and get you. Then you can find out who I am working for." I told her, smiling. I could feel the tears that were brimming my eyes start to fall.

"Really!! Yes yes yes yes yes!" she responded. I could tell she was jumping up and down. I smiled at her cuteness.

"Okay, well I got to go. I love you so much Livy." I said, trying not to cry.

"I love you too Sissy, bye." she replied. I said bye and then hung up just as the sobs started. I put my head in my hands. I felt someone wrap their arms around me. "I miss her so much."

"Shh, it's okay to miss her. You love her, and she loves you." I looked up at Ross and smiled.

"Thanks. You guys wouldn't mind if she came backstage with me at one of the concerts, would you?" I asked.

"Nah, she sounds adorable and fun." he responded with a smile.

"We should probably start getting ready to leave." I said. Ross nodded his head in agreement and we broke apart. Ross' hugs are the best, and as soon as he let go, I felt cold. I wish I could just tell him how I feel.


Hey! I could really use some feedback as to what you guys think so far. So message me or leave a comment telling me what you think!

- Lo *^-^*

If I Can't Be With You ( a Ross Lynch fanfic) - MASS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now