Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Ross' POV:

I was laying in bed staring up at the ceiling. Tomorrow is my 18th birthday. And I get to spend it with my girlfriend.

I smiled. My phone vibrated on the nightstand beside me. I looked at it. It was a text.

From: Lo is sexy ;) <3

Good morning babe ;) be there in 5 min!! No staring when I get there. ;) xxx <3

To: Lo is sexy ;) <3

Morning ;) ok and I will try not to. ;P <3 xxx

I smiled and closed my eyes, waiting for it to have been 5 minutes.

I heard the door open and close, then someone laid down next to me. They nuzzled their face into my chest. I heard silent sobs. I opened my eyes. Lauren had her face in my shirt, crying. I removed my arms from behind my head and put them around her.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked. She is not one to cry at much. It had to be something serious. She looked up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes. I melted on the inside.

"My head just won't stop hurting. I took Tylenol and everything and it just won't stop. It hurts so much." Tears collected in her eyes. I pulled her up for a hug, sitting up in the process. I rubbed her back as she cried into my shirt. When her crying had died down, I pulled her back to look at her. She looked up at me and smiled weakly. I leaned down for a kiss and she met me halfway. At first she was timid, then she suddenly kissed me with so much passion, I was shocked. It sent a fire through me. We pulled away breathless. She smiled before getting up and walking over to her bag. Then I noticed what she was wearing. Yoga pants and a sweatshirt that had her last name on the back. I couldn't take my eyes off her butt. Damn, they sure do hug her butt! She looked sexy in them. She caught me staring and grinned.

"I thought I told you no staring!" she giggled. I laughed and walked over to her. Her back was to me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her on the neck. She giggled while I kept giving her kisses on her neck. She leaned back into me and put her hands over mine. I stopped kissing her neck and brought my head up to look into her eyes. She looked back at me, smiling. We stayed like that for a couple minutes before she turned her attention back to her purse. She rummaged through it, my arms still wrapped around her. She pulled out a bottle of pain killers and opened it. She looked at me and I let go. I walked back over to the bed while she took some out and put it back up.

"I will be right back." she said, heading downstairs. I nodded my head and laid back, closing my eyes with my hands behind my head.

Lauren's POV:

OMG! Why can't I get rid of this stupid headache?!

I sighed as I retrieved a bottle of water from their fridge. I took the three pills and headed back to Ross' room. I walked in and he had returned to the position he was in when I had arrived. I walked over and laid down on the bed beside him. I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes, hoping this headache would go away. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

When I woke, my head no longer hurt. I opened my eyes to see that Ross was no longer there. I sat up. I looked around and found a note on the nightstand.

Hey, I had to go rehearse. I will be back around 8. Love you!


I looked at my phone. 7:45. 15 minutes until he will be back. I checked my notifications and saw that I had a mention on twitter. I pulled it up.


Love her so much. Hope you feel better babe! @XDTdancer247

There was a photo attached. It was the one from our first date. I favorited the tweet before responding.


Thanks baby! Love ya too <3 @rossr5

I wrote him back a note saying that I needed to go back to my hotel and then left.


New cover! Do you like it?

Anyways, I really do have a headache. I hate 'em! :(


Oplantic: ShyWriter69

Still need: Justicia and Corinthic

Sorry if this update was crappy to. I blame the headache for it. lolz

- Lo *^-^*

If I Can't Be With You ( a Ross Lynch fanfic) - MASS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now