Chapter 10

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Bahja POV

2 months later

Tomorrow is my first borns birthday. She is going to be 7 years old. She is getting so big. Everybody is going to be here later on so they can spend the night. I have the best day prepared for her. I am going to take her to the spa and then while all the girls are there all the men are going to be at skyzone getting everything ready. She is very excited she don't what's we are going to do but she knows its going to be big. Then this weekend we are taking her to Disney World in Florida. And she definitely doesn't know about that we have told her that she is going to have a big birthday party but she don't know its going to be this big. I really love to spoil my children all three of them.

I know yall are wondering what's going on with me and August. As of right we are still broken up. He has been over here everyday see the kids and every time he comes over he tries to get back with but I need him to really change. We have still been going to counseling but that's not enough. I feel like he doesn't even try anymore so I'm thinking what's the point you know. Its like I can never catch a break niggas always wanna do me dirty and do me wrong like what the fuck did I do to deserve all this shit. I just don't understand anymore. I have really been thinking about really committing suicide but I don't want to leave my children motherless. But I think I have a plan to make him realize that he could lose me at anytime. I am going to go to my sister and Chad's house to see if they think this plan could work and I'm going to need there help with it.

August has been blowing my phone up today and I haven't answered so this will make the "so called prank" even better. I get up and get the babies dressed. Then I go and tell Jae to get dressed since they took their baths last night. Once I got the kids dressed and Jae and King got dressed I got dressed and I put Mour (Auja Amour) and A3 (August III) in their car seats and went to the car and Jae and King followed right behind me. While I put the kids in the car and strapped them in Jae and King locked the front door and got in their booster seat and we left.

Once we get to their house I called Lourdes and told her I was here and to come help me with the kids. She came out to help me with the kids and we took them inside and upstairs to the guest room because they were sleep. I told Jae and King to go play in the game room. So they went to the room. "I have a question. Can yall help me kinda trick August. I want him to feel what's its like to lose me forreal. So I called up Mimi and she is going to help because her cousin is the head of the hospital and she told him what's going on and he is on board I just need to take the kids to mom's house and go to my house I have to stop by the drug store and pick up some pain killers and then I have to go to Walmart and pick up like some fake blood and other stuff. So I was wondering if you guys could go to the stores for me while I take the kids to moms house and then when yall get to my house I want yall to come upstairs to the room with me and help me set up so I can act like I overdosed and cut my self again. I also need yall to pick up some stuff that's going to make it look like I stopped breathing and stuff." They agreed and I got the kids and we went to my moms house while Lo and Chad went to my house.

I get to my moms house and dropped the kids off and told her everything so she wont be surprised if Aug calls her. She thinks this is going to work. I think so too. I'm really praying this will make him think about his priorities. So once I say goodbye to the kids I head home. I get there and I see Lo and Chad are already back. So I get out and go inside the house.

We get everything set up and I go upstairs in my bathroom tub. Lourdes and Chad are downstairs calling Aug. She puts it on speakerphone so I head the whole convo. "August have you seen or talked to Bee today?" "No she has been ignoring my phone calls. Why what's wrong?" "I don't know but I have been calling her and I haven't gotten an answer so me and Chad are over here and there is no sign of her nor the kids. I'm checking upstairs and Chad is checking downstairs. I just checked the kids room. I'm about to check the kids bathroom then I'm going to check Bee's room." "Okay." "So they are not in the bathroom Lets see if they are in her room... No they aren't in the room.......Oh My God (Sorry for using the Lord's name in vain). August come over here quick I just found Bee in the bathroom with blood everywhere." "Shit Okay." "Okay Hurry Please." She started fake crying." They then hung up the phone. Then we got ready for him to come. So we spread the fake blood everywhere. The we got the machine thing that goes in my pocket and its a clear patch thing that goes on my chest so you cant tell I'm breathing. We heard August close his car door so we got back in position. I was in the bathroom and Lo was going to act like she was crying and trying to do CPR. We also opened the pills and spilled some on the floor and in the bathtub and dropped the bottle on the floor. So once he got up to the bathroom he came over to me and tried to do CPR on me. "Baby you got to wake up for me. Please we need you me and the kids. I cant do this without you. He continued to do CPR on me. He then picked me and put me on the bathroom floor and tried to pump my chest. "Come on Bee. Come on baby. You cant do this to us. What about the kids. What about me?" He then picked me up and rushed me to the hospital. He called my mom on the way there like I knew he would. She then told him she had the kids and she doesn't have anybody to watch them but for him to keep her posted. So we get to the hospital and Miyan's cousin grabbed me and put me on an operating table and rushed me to the operating room. I explained to him what I wanted him to do. So once I finished explaining to him the plan. He went out. Then one of his nurses took me to ICU. She hooked me up to the heart monitor and put a fake IV in my arm.

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