Chapter 8

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August POV

Last night I went to Bahja's house and spent the night. Now its time to do some damage control. We are about to go to the counselor that we had talked about to fix our relationship. I still want this relationship to work out and I know Bahja does as well. I made the appointment yesterday afternoon. I woke Bahja up and told her to take a shower so we can get ready to go. I went downstairs and Lourdes was woke. "Lo can you watch the kids while me and Bahja go handle some business please?" "Sure I don't mind." "Thanks." I went in the kitchen and got me something to drink. Then I headed back upstairs and Bahja was in the shower so I hopped in too. Once she seen me getting in the shower she mugged me and then continued to ignore me. "Babe I laid our outfits on the bed." I said as I was washing up. "I'm not your babe but okay. Ig." She said rolling her eyes at me. Then she got out the shower and grabbed her towel from off the back of the door and went into the room to dry off. A few minutes later I got out and grabbed a towel and went in the room to dry off and get dressed. Bahja wasn't even ready so I got dressed and everything before her and she was still just putting on her pant and shirt. After I got dressed I went downstairs to watch Tv until she got down.

30 minutes later she came down dressed and ready to go. So we headed out. She plugged in her phone and played 'We Got It' by Lil Yachty and headed out. We got there in about 30 minutes. "Where are we August?" "You'll see when we go inside." I said as I grabbed her hand and leading her inside. "Sit down while I sign us in okay?" "Okay go head." She sat down at an empty seat and I went up to the front desk. "Hi me and my fiancé are here to see Ms. Robinson." I said to the lady at the desk. She told me to sign in and the therapist will be out in a few. I went to go sit down with Bahja.

Ten minutes later the therapist came and called us and we went to the back. We went into the room and sat down. "Hi I'm am going to be your therapist for the time being. My name is Miss Robinson." "Hi Ms. Robinson I'm Bahja Rodriguez and this is August Alsina." Bahja introduced us. "Okay So I want to start with you Bahja tell me about your relationship with August. I want to know everything." "Okay so I first met August at one of his concerts. He picked me to be the girl he sings to. So at the end of the night when we were about to leave he confessed he liked me and that my best friend Miyan set the whole thing up. So once he did his heartfelt speech he asked me if I would finish his tour with him. So I said yes because Its not like we were dating or anything so I wouldn't get hurt. So like 2 weeks into the tour we started dating and it was going well. But I did accuse him of cheating once but that was because of my past relationship. I was cheated on for the whole ENTIRE 2 years we were dating and he was talk shit to me. But he never put his hands on me and that's why I stayed because I thought since he never put his hands on me that it was going to be okay but it wasn't. So we broke up because I accused him of cheating and we got right back together. Then he ended up cheating on me which I never knew why. So because of that I ended up almost killing myself. I took a whole bottle of pills and I was cutting myself because I told him what happened to me in my last relationship but he still decided to cheat on me and I was like yo like what the fuck like am I ever going to find a real nigga. So I slipped into a coma after the overdose and losing an excessive amount of blood. So once I did that I ended up losing our child because of that and we didn't know we had it were expecting. So after I woke up a year later he apologized and swore he would never do it again. So then I took him back again and also because he stayed with me the whole year and he put his career in jeopardy for me so I figured he learned his lesson. And so a few months or so later he proposed and I said yes and I also found out I was pregnant. Then a couple of weeks ago he had went to the studio to record some more songs and he was gone all day normally he would call and check up on or just call and let me listen to him while he works and stuff. But he didn't do it that day So I instantly think something is wrong and I continuously called his phone and he is not answering so I called my sister to come watch our kids. He has a little boy and I have a daughter from previous relationships. So she comes and watches them and I go up to the studio and I see his car so I called one more time and no answer so I go in and open the door to the room he was in and opened the door and he was making out with some girl. So I just close the door and broke down right there but he is telling me something something completely different from what I saw. So then after I collected myself I go home and told my sister to take the kids out because I didn't want them to see what was going to happen. So I packed up his stuff and set it outside and put a note on the door and went upstairs and went to sleep. So about 3 hours later he blowing up my phone so I wake up and answer and just trying to have casual conversation so I knew he wasn't at the house but he was on his way. So I got dressed in some sweat and went downstairs and went outside and waited for him. Once he came home I beat his ass . Yes I did because I am tired of this shit. Oh and then he was in Cali the other day to do a concert and he fucked some stripper. I'm just tired of looking fucking stupid out here." By this time she was in tears and I was crying as well. "Ahhhhhhh SHIT!!!!" I looked at her. "Babe whats wrong?" I said getting concerned. "The babies!!" "What about them?" "They are coming. I'm in labor! Get me to a fucking hospital!!!" I hurried up and paid the therapist and I carried Bahja bridal style out and we got in my car and I called Lourdes and her mom and my mom and told them to me us at the hospital. They said okay. "I hope I can be a better dad to all of my kids even the one that isn't biologically mine." I thought as I hurried to the hospital. Bahja put her hand on mine and she looked over at me and her breathing calms down. "I know you will." She said and I wondered what she was talking about then I realized I said that out loud. As we stopped at a red light I kissed her. I really do love her. I don't know why I keep doing her like this and breaking her heart.

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