(14) Room 404

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*Text Message*

If you're free right now please proceed to room 404 immediately. Come with your friends.

A message from the other president of our team. So what's with her now? I don't want to go but it really sucks cause I got nothing to do right now so I have no choice but to come. I wondered where is Jimin? Suga? Jin? The others? Where are they?

Where is she anyway?

While I texted the others to come to room 404, I suddenly saw her walking out of the gym. What was she doing there? I was about to follow her when Tzuyu called me out of nowhere.


"What?" I plainly asked.

"Where are you going? Don't you want to watch our practice today?" she asked with a smile.

"I have plans Tzuyu. I have a meeting with the president" I lied to her. Cause I have to so that she won't force me to stay.

"Okay. Anyway, I bumped into the new girl. What is it her name again hmm" she's thinking...

"Lisa," I said.

"Yes, that is. You personally know her right? Cause I saw you talking to her that night"

"Yes," I answered. Short but true.

"Oh I see, but why is that when I asked her if she knows you she said no" Did Lisa really say that?

"Why did you ask her? What's for you anyway?" Don't tell me she already knew about Lisa.

"Nothing. I just thought that maybe she's a cousin or relative of yours that I might use as a help to you"

"Tzuyu. Just stop. You already know that it will not work." I told her frankly then left her there even if she's still saying something.

"I won't give up Jeon Jungkook! You know that."

When I got to the room, I saw my friends. I saw her.


While roaming here in our building, I saw Jimin Oppa with his friends.

"Jimin Oppa!" I called him.

"Lisa! Hey. Where are you going?"

"I really don't know. Anyway, have you seen Rose, Jennie & Jisoo? I can't seem to find them"

"You mean those girls who are always with you? Uhm nah" Suga answered.

Where on the earth are you girls? I sighed.

"Actually, we're going now to your room. I think we'll have a meeting or something about our team. You can just come along with us if you want." Jin offered me.

"Thank you oppas" I bowed to them.

Of course, I agreed. I might bump into Tzuyu and her squad again, alone. I don't want that to happen.

"Ya Lisa I told you to stop calling me or us like that. We don't want to feel so old" Jimin explained.

"Haha, arasso arasso" then they all laughed.

When we opened the door of my room, I saw the three girls blankly staring at the whiteboard. Then their faces turned to look at us.

"LISA!" they yelled my name together

"We've been searching for you for like 2 hours" -Rose

"We don't have your number that's why we can't contact you" - Jisoo

"Where the hell have you been? Gosh. Anyway, good thing you're here now." -Jennie

Then, they hugged me. We're now having a girl group hug. I'm starting to love the feeling of having a group set of girlfriends.

"Mind if I join you ladies?" Jimin asked from the outside of our formed circle.

"Ya!!!!!" -Rose, Jennie & Jisoo

I got used already to Jimin's attitude since our high school days. He really likes to tease everyone especially girls.

"I'm just joking," he said while touching the back of his head.

When someone opened the door.

"Jungkook, what took you so long? And mind explaining why you want us to be here?" Suga asked him, his hands on his waist.

He just shrugged his shoulders and lifts his index finger out to Jennie.

"Make sure you better have a valid reason for making us come here today Jennie Kim. Why are we all here?" Jungkook asked her coldly.

So, Jennie wanted us all to be here? What's her reason?

So, Jennie wanted us all to be here? What's her reason?

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A/N: Uri boys are now in LA. So proud of them! ❤️

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