(60) An Ended Call

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While I'm still thinking about what I just heard from Nayeon, my mind was suddenly went empty as I began to throw a blank stare out of the blue.  And then, it's like my feet were suddenly rooted in place, attached to the floor as I can't pick them up. Nonetheless, my ears picked up on a random girl's utterance from the entrance of this store.

"Excuse me?!" she yelled at me for I don't know of her reason.

"Ha?" I answered her, still clueless in the situation.

"You're literally staring at my boyfriend, you witch!" It was only then I realize that I became unaware of the blankly visual stare I had conducted with his guy. The guy seem to like that I unintentionally stared at him. Ew.

"I'm sorry. But you're wrong. Anyway, have a good day" reluctantly, I attempted to move my rooted legs to get out on this place. However, that move didn't go as well as I planned.

"Huh! Do you think I'll let you go that easily?" the girl spitted out as she tried to grab my arm tightly.

"Ouch! Don't touch me." I whipped her hands away from me.

"How dare you to throw some attitude on me!" and for the nth time, she yelled like she really wanted to make a scene.

I wanted to curse, but I didn't say anything aloud. Instead, I thought of every repulsive word that came to my mind and pronounced it under my breath, making no sound. How can I stop her make-up scene? She really thought that I was eyeing his boyfriend. Hell no. He's not even uhm good-looking.

"Look miss. Don't you think you're over-reacting right now?" I asked, trying not to let the irritation shine through my voice. Her boyfriend chuckled when he heard my words.

"What did you just say?! Next time, go find your own man you wit-" she was about to slap me but someone's masculine arm blocked me from the hit.

"What are you doing to my girlfriend?" he said as he wrapped his another arm around my shoulder. Just hearing his voice, I could tell who he was.

Then his eyes met mine for a few seconds too long. I was taken a back with our faces' proximity right now. I can feel the warning of my cheeks under his gaze. It was a bad reflex of mine, it didn't take much to make me blush the shade of tomato and I was so peeved because I can't help it for his sudden action.

"Just act for you to get away from this scene" he whispered just before he averted his eyes from me.

"I-I was ju-" now the girl started to stammer, looking mesmerized and at awed with the guy standing next to me.

"Dude, you better teach your girl some manners" then we walked away, leaving them looking defeated.

As soon as we were out of the sight from that place, I immediately jolted away from him. I gave him a thankful bow as I tried not to show my embarrassment to him.

"Thank you Taehyung. Thank you for saving me"

"Good thing, I still recognize you. By the way, that color looks better on you" he said as he patted me on my head like I was a puppy.

"Thank you." I muttered as I realized that Taehyung was the first person who saw my new look.

"So let me ask you, did you really stare her monkey guy?" he laughingly asked me, wanting to know the real story.

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