Chapter 16 (Jessica's POV)

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I saw his green eyes grow wide again. I was sitting on the bed and he was in front of me standing up.

"What how" he said stuttering.

"Well I was walking with you and your sister when she decapitated me, but I think you already knew that.' I felt really mean saying this,but I was hurt.

"Well I know that, so that means you weren't completely beheaded and you healed."Klaus said proud of himself.

"It's kind of strange you know the fact that I never willingly drank vampire blood yet here I am...dead" I said full of rage.

He rushed over and grabbed my hands, I pulled away.

"You got to understand I couldn't let you die, I needed you." Klaus said his eyes burning.

I started in crying then if he needed me so much why did he leave me all alone for an eternity,

"Then why did you leave me alone?" I said choking on my tears

"Please don't cry love" he said taking a seat next to me, he wiped a tear from my cheek.

"I didn't leave you, well I mean after Rebekah you know well--killed you I was angry I told her she had five seconds to make herself scarce before I killed her and as she sped up I knelt beside you. I cried until my eyes were red and my heart was broken. That's when I heard someone coming, I didn't care anymore not if Mikael found me or anything. I stayed holding your hand until I fell asleep. When I awoke I found myself being dragged by some of the villagers. They thought I was injured. When I got away from them I went back to find your body but you were gone."He said now crying as well.

"I hated you, you left me i thought all alone and you forced me into being this eternal monster where I had to kill people. I didn't ever come looking for you I felt so used." I said through my tears.

"Listen I know what I did was wrong,but you were the love of my life and you still are. I have never loved anyone else. Everything I have done has been for you. I have been a terrible person. I hated love and I hated fate and destiny they took you away from me. I made sure nobody had love especially my sister."

"Klaus" I said interrupting him

"You have been a terrible person and I have heard the things you have done to people. You even hurt my friends."I started to get up to leave,when he grabbed my arm and sat me back down.

"Im not going to lose you again Jessica, I have been miserable for 700 years and before I met you I was miserable as well. You are the love of my life and I want to get to know everything about you again. I want you to be mine and I to be yours. I want to make up for having you go through the transition of being a vampire alone. There's a whole world out there and each night I have dreamt of me and you together. Jessica please my heart longs for you. I don't know if I can survive without you again."

"Klaus Im on my deathbed I have been asked to kill one of the most powerful vampires in history, Silas I have lived a life full of pain and sadness if you want to do me and favor just end my life now."I said this still weeping. He put his hands on my face and I felt his thumbs make circles on my cheeks.

"Jessica I want to make you happy give you the life you always dreamt of...God damn your even more beautiful then I remembered *chuckling* I even have that drawing I did of you still. I look at it every now and then. Jessica you told me never to give up on the world. So don't give up on it either."

He was right I did say that and I felt my stomach churning. Thats when his hands brought my face closer to his. I felt our lips join together as one. I felt the sensation of fireworks (I know kind of cheesy right), but Klaus was right I did love him more then anyone and his terribleness seemed to disappear when I was around him. We looked into each others eyes and he pulled me in close and just hugged me tight while I cried. For what reason I don't know but all I know was I just wished time had frozen there.

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