Chapter 2 (Stefan's POV)

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"One whiskey please"... I said with just a pinch of pathetic in my voice. The cravings weren't as bad but my moods have been up and down lately. I actually think for once in my life that Elena and me are over. I mean her and Damon are just so happy together. I can't help be a little happy for them. I mean regardless me and Elena's relationship seeing my brother happy is kind of nice.Its times like these that I wish Lexi were here. She always knows the right things to say. Her last words still ringing in my ears. She said with so much enthusiasm in her voice "I don't think you have one epic love I think you have many." it kind of made me feel better maybe I will find that one girl who I can spend an eternity loving who will not also be in love with my brother. I took one more burning sip and maneuvered myself on the hard wooden chair of the Mystic grill's bar. I keep wondering why i'm sticking around I have nothing here. And then I think well then I would be leaving Caroline, Matt, and even Jeremy the people I liked to call my friends. I would even miss Elena because her friendship still has a place in my heart. For Gods sake I would miss my brother, Damon. He really is my only family that I will ever have and I can't lose that right now especially being so vulnerable. I was about to take another hard swig of my unsatisfying drink when a girl approached. The bar she had long light brown hair and hazel eyes. She probably was about 5 foot 5 and looked no older then 17 years old. She grabbed one of the chairs and sat down and said "Bourbon please". The bartender looking puzzled at this young girl asking for hard alcohol.He replied with some joy in his voice asking for her ID.She pulled out a wallet and took out an ID. Still not convinced but not knowing what else to do the bartender started making her drink. He placed it down in front of her and she stared at it for about 10 seconds before taking a long sip. She put the glass back on the counter and let out a long sigh. If I thought I looked sorry this girl must have looked worse. She was beautiful but had a real painful look in her eye almost like she was holding back tears or had not slept in weeks whatever it was added depth to her looks. I was awfully curious but I was not in the mood to make awkward conversation.That was when I looked down at her hand and on her left hand there was a curious looking ring. It looked old...real old. Kind of weird to see on a hand of a young girl. That's when I started to piece things together. Young girl, Can hold strong alcohol, funny looking ring. Either I was either really paranoid or this girl was a Vampire. With Silas running around i don't know who could be working for him. So trying not to seem suspicious I mumbled "Hey cool ring". She looked at me and cocked her head to the side and said "Thanks" Her voice was shaky not as confident when she ordered her drink. she then took another sip when I asked "Where did ya get it". She replied "Family Heirloom, I know its hideous!" With that I knew she must be a vampire because my next question proved it I said "Can I see it?" She then looked at me funny and got up to leave. It looked almost as if she was offended by my question. As she started down the steps I lunged toward her pinning her up against the wall with my hand at her throat. I looked straight into her eyes and I didn't see fear all I saw was sadness. The looked big and just full of despair. I screamed "Who are you". The grill was empty except for the bartender who was freaked out at this point. She lifted her right hand and grabbed my hand and bent it in the opposite direction breaking my bones. In pain I flung my hand back and I yelped. A horrible pain shot up my arm. I placed my bones back in place and they heeled. She walked to the bar grabbed her drink. She then grabbed the bartender by his shirt collar and compelled him to go home a forget all this. She then took a seat at one of the tables and said "Know need for roughness I will tell you anything you wish to know without violence but if you mess with me again I might need to reinforce my point." With that I took a seat across from her and my mind was racing a million times a minute. That's when she opened her mouth and began telling her story.

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