Chapter 19 (Stefan's POV)

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We all know what happened yesterday. I mean it wasn't a huge surprise. I heard the way Jessica told me about Klaus that night at the grill. He was her epic love and I wasn't shocked when I heard them talk upstairs or when I heard them leave together. I wasn't heartbroken don't get me wrong, I did like Jessica, but I didn't know her all that well to be in love with her. I don't know maybe I could be. But I couldn't be like Damon and be jealous and steal her away. I know how much that hurts. Yet I found myself picking the phone up and calling her.I thought up some excuse for her to come over. I needed to see her thats what was going through my head. I heard Elena and Damon talking this morning. How strange it is Jessica could love someone as horrible as Klaus. But if me and Damon could love anyone as horrible as Katherine I think were just as bad as Jessica. You know what it just sucks being alone, it sucks living with my brother and my ex girlfriend, it sucks that I keep losing everything and everyone. I needed to get away.After this whole blood ritual kill Silas thing I was going to leave. Maybe travel the world or get a job or maybe even go to college. I don't know, but I need to find happiness. I just need to.

*Couple of minutes later.*

I opened the door to see a happy looking Jessica and a grinning Klaus.

"Hi" I said sheepishly

"Heyy sorry that took so long." She said with guilt in her voice.

"Hello mate."Klaus said sarcastically.

We walked into the library and I texted Elena to come downstairs. I saw Elena's happy face change into a grim one when she saw Klaus in the living room. I then took a small pocket knife and cut my wrist and dripped it into a glass. Elena did the same and I saw Damon cringe a little when she cut herself. He really does care about her. I then handed the glass to Jessica to drink. She put it to her lips and drank it.

She then started coughing and choking and she fell to the ground. Her eyes then closed and she passed out.

The next thing I know Klaus grabs Elena and I by the neck and pushes us against the wall. "Did u guys drink vervain?" He yelled

"No?!" We both choked out

"Klaus let them go." Damon yelled

He dropped us to the floor and then ran to Jessica. He picked her up and placed her on the couch. If it wasn't for the fact that she wasn't all gray and vein-y she looked dead.

"What happened then?" Klaus said

"I don't know?"

"Elena go get Jeremy tell him to ask Bonnie" Damon said calmly.

He was always good under pressure. A couple second later Elena runs in with Jeremy. Who again stares off into the distance and then begins to speak.

"Whats going on, what happened to Jessica?"

*Long pause*

"Are they going to kill her?"

*Shorter pause*

"Bonnie don't go yet, I don't understand."Jeremy then looked at his feet then at us.

"What did she say Jeremy?" I said

He looked at us and then he cleared his throat.

"The witches made her pass out because they didn't want her to continue the ritual."

"What why?" Elena blurted out.

"Because they saw her with Klaus, you see they didn't want her just to kill Silas they wanted Klaus and his siblings. They wanted her to kill off the vampire race."

Klaus' mouth dropped open.

"The thing is however they think she won't kill Klaus anymore and so they don't want her to be the ultimate hunter.But since she has been doing the ritual for quite a while now she already has special powers."

"What do you mean special powers." Damon yelled.

"Well in order to make her strong enough to kill both Klaus and Silas they gave her their powers. If she uses them not to kill Silas and Klaus they have the possibility to kill her and a big portion of the human race. So they want her dead they want to protect their lineage and they are going to find someone else."

"But that new person will have no hesitation to kill us all!" I piped in.

We all looked around at each other and I did not see Klaus. He was kneeling down next to Jessica holding her hand silently weeping.He then shouted

"You hear me witches! Don't kill her I'll convince her to kill me and Silas and the whole race!I will just please don't let her die before me! I cannot go through that again! Just show some mercy! For godsake I'm offering my life for hers."

We just stood there in silence partially still digesting the news of our demise and listening to the emotionless vampire we all knew and hated cry his eyes out for a girl.Thats when someone started to speak. It was Jeremy, but not to Bonnie.

"Bonnie calm down just tell me what they said."


"Is this bad or good"

He then stood even more grim faced in front of us. And said

"She said that they will show some mercy and let her live, however she will still perform her duties and as well they will make sure she does."

"What does that mean make sure?" I said.

"Im not sure." Jeremy said looking like he had just aged ten years within this grim conversation.

Jessica then began to stir waking up on the couch. Klaus grabbed her and held her in his arms. She look confused and asked what happened.We all looked around not knowing who should be the one to inform her of our mass death that is to come.Lets just say nobody volunteered.

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