Chapter 35- An Unfortunate Turn of Events

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Chapter goal: 15 votes and 5 comments.

Macey at the top.


3 months later

"Can anyone tell me a theme from last nights chapter readings...anybody other than Abigail and Ashton," Mrs. Smith sighed.

Abigail and Ashton both put their hands down as the teacher scanned the class room for someone to answer her question.

I quickly look down at my open book, quickly skimming the chapter and pretending to understand what I'm seeing so she doesn't call on me.

Avoid the teacher, look occupied, maybe she'll-

"Peyton," Mrs. Smith says, sounding hopeful. "Do you have anything you want to add?"

I looked up, my cheeks heating up immediately after realizing all eyes were on me. I looked down at the book and back up at the teacher, her face growing more disappointed as she realized I really had no idea what I was doing.

"Um, sorry, Mrs. Smith. I didn't read the chapters," I admitted.

"I don't understand how you kids think you can get by through college when you can't even read a simple amount of 40 pages a night," she huffs and goes around to sit behind her desk.

After a couple seconds of silence filled with Mrs. Smith furiously typing away at her computer, the class goes back to their conversations.

We were all in groups of three given the opportunity to discuss last nights reading. I looked at my partners, Ashton and Macey, and pouted.

"What page are we supposed to be on?" she asks.

"200," Ashton answered.

"Damn, I've only gotten to page 31," she groans while holding up Pride and Prejudice in front of her.

"I don't understand how you and Abigail do it," I said to Ashton. It was clear that they were the two smartest people in this class.

We've been dating for about 3 months now. Each day we seem to have learned more and more about each other.

There hasn't been any word from Jacob. Ashton has been able to stay away from anything dangerous and he's been a happier person since the start of the semester.

A life with no Jacob is a happy, stress free one. And I pray everyday it stays that way.

"I don't know," he shrugs. "Just comes natural for me.

"I wish learning would come natural to me," Macey mumbles. "I thought you hated English and history," she adds.

"No he only hates history."

"I don't hate any subject," he says. "I prefer math and science to English and history though."

"I prefer any subject I can pass," Macey says, making me and Ashton laugh.

Macey and Ashton have also gotten use to each other. They've stopped insulting each other and can at least have a three minute conversation before arguing again. I say that's good progress!

Just then, the loud speaker beeps, alerting everyone that an announcement is being made in the office.

The principal comes on and gives a short introduction about how well the second semester is going until he gets to the part that everyone really cares about.

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