Chapter 56- Choice and Change

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I watched with a small smile as her eyes began to flutter close. Her small nose scrunched up in the cutest way as she made a small noise before continuing to suck on her pacifier.

Mom told me that the slightest movement could wake her so very carefully, I stood from the rocking chair and lowered her down into her crib before pulling the bars up securely.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Petra," I whisper.

Taking a final glance at my baby sister, I tiptoe out of the nursery and close the door softy behind me. It was hard not being here all the time. But it was getting to the point where sleeping at Ashton's was something I had to do because my screaming in the middle of the night kept waking Petra.

I was just about to turn into my room when I heard light sniffling coming from down the hall. I bit my lip, knowing that the only other person in the house right now was mom. Heading into her and Calvin's room, I spotted her sitting on the edge of the bed. Her body quickly stiffened, letting me know that she was aware of my presence. But that didn't stop the tears traveling down her face.

"I don't know where I went wrong," she whispered tearfully.

The bed dipped when I took a seat next to her. I couldn't stop the sad sigh that escaped my lips when I saw the picture she was staring at in her hands.

It was a picture day photo from school of Jacob when he was younger. He had to be about 7 or 8. The light blue background behind him matched his eyes and the wide grin just spelled innocence. How quickly things can change.

Mom was most likely upset at the fact that Jacob was now in prison, for life. His trial was last week and didn't last long. The files and evidence against him were so long that you'd be insane to think he was innocent. The jury stated that he was guilty on several charges: arson, robbery, kidnapping, drug trafficking, homicide and the list went on. The judge had no choice but to give him a life sentence and mom wasn't taking it too well.

What could I say to her? 'It'll get better soon.' Because it won't. At least not for Jacob. But mom pointing the finger at herself was heartbreaking. A parent can only do so much for their child to help them build a good life. But once that child grows up to learn how to make decisions, it is up to them to either make the right or wrong ones.

And Jacob chose all the wrong ones.

"It's not your fault, mom. You tried, but he didn't want to listen." I could've said a million different things but it wouldn't make her change her mind. She had a beautiful soul, too good for this world. If her children did anything wrong, it was automatically her fault because 'she could've raised them better.' I wish she thought differently, but that was just the type of person she was.

"Where are you going?" she asks.

"To Macey's. She wants help with picking her graduation dress."

"Okay, just be careful. Please." She grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. Ever since I've been back, she's always asking where I'm going and telling me to be careful. If it was up to her, she would keep me locked up in the house all day.

"Those days where none of us knew where you were had me worried sick, Peyton. If that happened again I don't- I..."

She got caught up in her words and contained another sob. "I know, mom. I know."

A couple minutes later, the front door opened. Calvin was home from work which meant that I could leave. I hated leaving mom alone with the baby so during the day, I stayed to keep them both company.

"You should go, sweetie. Tell Macey I said hello."

"Will do," I smiled and gave her a peck on the cheek.

Getting up from the bed, I headed towards the door and was just about to leave before turning around at mom.

"Mom," I said softly.

She looked up; beautiful hazel eyes meeting my own. "I love you."

Her lips broke out into a wide smile and the sadness immediately left her eyes. "I love you too, baby."

I left the room then, knowing in my heart that she would make it through this rough time. She always does.


"Can you believe it? Tomorrow we will finally be free. Ugh, I can't wait!" Macey squealed as she hung up her graduation dress.

I giggled at her excitement and watched as she jumped on her bed, making me bounce with her.

I looked around at her side of the room with the folded up boxes sitting in one corner that would soon be filled with all her items.

"Are you excited about leaving?" I ask.

She sighed and leaned back on her headboard. "I'm gonna be completely honest. Yes and no. Like I'm gonna be happy to finally be free and go out into the real world but I'm also scared because I'm gonna be alone. It's not like I have any family to go back to."

Next month is Macey's 18th birthday, which means she'll be moving out of the foster home and into a nice little apartment the foster department help her get.

"Hey, that's not true. You have me and there's Trevor," I said with a wink, making her blush a color almost as red as her hair. "And the state will assist you as well, right?"

"As much as they can, yes."

"Speaking of Trevor, he told me that his dads are almost completely finished with the process to adopt Juliet."

"Yeah and the little ball of sunshine hasn't stopped bouncing with joy since finding it out," she smiled.

I find it amazing how someone can turn their life around so quickly; whether be it good or bad. Macey's was good. When I look at her, I don't see the bully that I despised so many months ago. I see a genuine friend who was able to change her ways for herself and the people around her.

And now she was gonna make it out of here, finally free.

Outside, the sky was changing from its bright blue color to a dark orange. The sun was slowly setting behind the trees and it was almost time for me to leave.

Macey's phone beeped, bringing me out of my thoughts. She smiled down at the phone after reading the text and looked up at me with mischievous eyes.

"What is that look for?" I ask cautiously.

"You'll see soon." With that, Macey grabbed my wrist and pulled me along with her. She ignored my questions and pulled out of her drive way with the biggest grin imaginable.

Where are we going?

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