Car Radio

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*Chapter 6*

As I headed to science, I was stopped by a group of preppy looking jocks.

Not this shit again.

"Hey punk boy, what do you think you're doing here?" The guy I assumed was their ring leader asked.

Even into college they can't come up with better insults.

"Uh, I go to school here." I stated, getting annoyed by them.

I tried to keep walking but was stopped by then grabbing my arms and pulling me back.

"Oh really? This school isn't a place for people like you," the main jock spat again. "so I suggest you beat it." He smirked, thinking he won.

Now, I should know better than to talk back.

But I did anyway.

"And what if I stay?" I spat, struggling out of their holds.

I seemed to be a lot stronger than I was during high school.

By now everyone was in class, and as I spoke back, the jocks threw punches at me, kicked me, pushed me into lockers, and spat on me.

It's so much fun being beaten to a pulp.

Ha. Sarcasm.

After about 30 minutes of this happening, the jocks decided they were done with me.

"I'm Ronnie. That's Andy and that's Bert," that Ronnie guys said, pointing at the two others beside him. "Remember us for next time, fag." He finished, waking off while laughing with the other two.

I just laid there, bruised, broken and bloody. I was struggling to breathe, and I couldn't get enough strength to push myself up, so I just lied there until I could muster enough strength to go back to the dorm.

I can already sense Tyler freaking out when his class ended.

After a couple hours is laying in pain and struggling to breathe, I heard the main door to the dorm open.

I heard Tyler slowly walk to my door and saw as he gently pushed it open, revealing a broken and bloody me, obviously in pain.

"Josh!" Tyler shrieked, earning me to groan in protest from the loudness of his voice.

Tyler must have realised how loud he was, before cringing a bit and slowly walking over and sitting beside me on the bed.

"Josh... What happened?" He asked, pain crossing his features as his hand came up to cover his mouth.

I tried to reply but I couldn't talk. I felt like I would start sobbing at any given moment.

The pain was too much.

Tyler looked into my eyes as a tear rolled its way down my cheek, escaping from my eye.

Tyler took a shaky breathe, his eyes looked glassy from bushes tears, before gently pulling me into a hug.

"Josh, what happened?" He pleaded, trying to keep calm.

"Tyler I," I sighed, not wanting to make eye contact.

I hated crying in front of people.

"I ran into some guys on my way to class, and they beat me up, calling me names and telling me my, I quote, 'punk ass shouldn't be here.'" I started to choke on my words, holding back tears, while also struggling to take in breathes of air.

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