Holding On To You

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*Chapter 13*

Since Tyler had been back, Josh realised how much they were broken when they were apart. Not apart as in different classes, but apart as in long periods of time and distance and for a bad reason.

I had been falling even more in love as the days went with the little bean boy. I always seemed to catch myself daydreaming about the future, like would we get married? Adopt some kids? Find our own house? Get proper working jobs? That sort of stuff.

I was in the middle of a daydream when I was poked on the shoulder with something very pointy.

And sharp.

"Ow! What the hell?" I shrieked, turning and seeing the culprit was, indeed, the one and only Brendon Urie.

"Sorry to ruin your daydream moment, but class is over." He motioned around, to which I realised he was correct. Everyone was packing up their things.

He was handy to have in my science class sometimes. He was actually pretty smart.

"Oh. Thanks, Brendon. But next time don't stab me." I sent a mock glare at him while still smiling slightly.

"No promises." Brendon smirked while walking out of class.

As much as I hated him, I also couldn't help but love the fivehead guy.

I gathered up the rest of my things before walking out the door, sending a small goodbye to the professor, Mr. Dirnt.

As I walked down the hall, I saw Tyler and Dallon walking out of their English class, Brendon behind them stalking up to Dallon.

He motioned for me to be quiet. I just tried to hold my laugh as I walked closer.

Tyler noticed me and grinned, but I motioned behind him and for him to be quiet. He saw Brendon an smirked, nodding.

I walked up and maintained a casual conversation with them when Brendon launched himself onto Dallon's back, causing Dallon to trip and shriek as he fell, earning Tyler and I to laugh along with a few other people around us, some I recognised from my classes like Hayley, Zac and Taylor.

After they got up and brushed themselves off, Brendon helped Dallon stand up and only then did I notice how happy they both looked.

Especially Brendon.

"What's got you so happy?" I asked, Tyler nodding along with a look of wonder on his face.

"Oh nothing... Except maybe a certain someone is now my boyfriend..." Brendon giggled while looking up at Dallon and curling his fingers around Dallon's as Dallon looked at Brendon and their hands also, a faint pink to his cheeks.

Tyler was silent for a moment before he piped up, quiet loudly.
"Oh my god! You guys are official?" He shrieked, earning Brendon to chuckle.

"Heck yes! What about you guys though. Little Joshy and Ty-guy?" Dallon responded, bringing Brendon's hand up to kiss before looking back at us.

Tyler blushed at the statement. It was really cute.

"We are good. For the moment." Tyler responded, looking at me with a smile.

When he got back, we didn't exactly get straight back to being in a relationship. Tyler wanted to wait a bit again and gain his trust for me back, which was understandable.

"I'm happy for you guys. Now I'm pretty sure Frank and Gerard are at the cafeteria if you wanna see them. Unless frank got them kicked out again," Brendon chuckled. "We are gonna head back to our dorm. We'll catch you guys later." He finished off, sending us a small wave as they walked off.

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