Mall Boy- Malum

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''Luke! Lets go to hot topic'' I say, I hope he's on shift. He's so beautiful. He's been working in the mall since 16. First Mrs. Fields, I remember when I asked for one cookie he gave me two. And he is almost 17. I know this because we go to the same school. I have never had the guts to talk to him. His name is Calum, he probably doesn't know who I am. ''Why so you can see if your crush is working'' Luke says with a smirk. ''yes'' I say honestly blushing. We are in the mall but he just wants to go to the game store in stuff. And trust me I would love to but I need to see Calum first. I have my black skinny jeans, black combat boots, hot topic bracelets, and my red flannel that says idiot on the back. My red hair is spikey and looking surprisingly good. ''First we need to meet Ash'' Luke says ''Oh just tell him to meet us at hot topic, and no kissing every six seconds'' they are dating. I drag him in. ''I see him'' I whisper to Luke as we walk in. He is checking someone out in line. Talking to them. He looks up and looks at me, I immediately look away hoping he didn't see me looking at him. ''I need to get more bracelets'' I say, he just nods. We go to the back of the store, I grab some BMTH, SWS, PTV, bracelets and more. ''Lets go look at the shirts'' says Luke I nod and we walk back. We start looking and I hear behind me ''Finding everything okay?'' I hear in a accent that I honestly love, I see Luke looking down laughing and smirking at the same time. I turn around and say ''Yea thanks'' I nod trying not to stutter. He smiles ''Well let me know if you need anything Michael.'' he then winks and walks off. I see Ashton and he seen what happened, he started freaking out and trying to embarrass me ''Shut the fuck up Ashton!'' I look down embarrassed. ''I need to try this on'' says Luke we nod and head towards the waiting room. ''Go ask to get one open Luke'' ''Why don't you go ask your boyfriend'' Luke says with a smirk, I go to say something but I hear ''Need that open?'' its Calum, he nods. Luke and Ash go into the fitting room. Calum just smiles and he opens his mouth to speak, but the shuts it. I look down ''So you have a boyfriend? And your not straight'' ''No I don't have a boyfriend, but yea im not straight'' I say shyly as I look down. ''but Luke said you had a boyfriend that works here...'' he ended his sentence with a smirk ''You like me, yea?'' he says, I shyly nod ''Well I so happen to like you too, I see you in school all the time. And I always wanted to say hi but I didn't think you knew me'' says Calum, I felt so many different emotions, happy emotions, "y-you like m-me?" i stuttered, he smirked and a light blush crept upon his cheeks, he stepped closer to the point if i leaned a little, our lips would be touching, i could smell his cool minty breath, and it gave me chills, he whispered, "Yes michael, i really do.." he then leaned in and kissed me and i felt a million and one fireworks come from the kiss. We were soon interrupted by the clearing of someone's throat, "having fun there Michael ?" Luke said with a smirk, a bloody red blush crept to my cheeks, Calum awkwardly coughed and said "Um, i can check you guys out?" he then headed over to the counter to check us out, he checked Luke out first, he then started checking me out, he grabbed a pen and turned around with the receipt, after he was done he smiled at me a slid the receipt across the counter, "Have a nice day Michael" I smiled and returned what he said, as i walked out of Hot Topic i got curious about the receipt, i looked at the front and didn't notice anything, so I turned it over and it was a note on the back, "Date? Friday? 7? Text back with your reply (xxx-xxx-xxxx)-Calum<3"   a blush crept on my lips and i immediately showed Luke and Ash and they both started screaming, i then pulled out my phone and replied with "I would love too <3" a smile never leaving my lips the rest of the day. 

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