The Flower girl and The Punk-y/n

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Slight trigger warning. Nothing insanely bad.

   You are sitting in your room doing make up. It was eleven o'clock at night, but you still wanted to try and look pretty. You have your brown wavy hair pulled into a bun and your black glasses on, you never wear them except for at night. You have your grey sweater hanging down so you have sweater paws and your black leggings and penguin slippers on your feet. You only wear you darker colors in your own home. You don't really like them. Your at your vanity and you go to go get more make up from your vanity when you hear a knock upon your window. You smile knowing exactly who it is. You go over and open your window, not even two seconds later get a kiss from your boyfriend Luke. ''Hey princess sorry i wasn't at school today.'' He then takes off his jacket and shirt so you can see his abs and muscles, he also takes his boots off and grabs your brush from your vanity. You both sit on your bed facing your vanity as he brushes out your hair gently. Singing a hum as you close your eyes just focusing on him. He then brought you out of your thoughts when he asks ''How was school today?" you put on your best fakest smile and say ''Great'' he then questions and says ''So they didn't say anything?'' you stand up and walk over to your dresser and say ''They always say things'' your eyes start to water ''Did they physically do things and what'd they say?" you say not looking at him but the two of you, since you have pictures of you two on your dresser. ''Well before school i was pushed up against the locker and got a bruise on my shoulder and them asking why I'm so weird, and that i am stupid to think anyone cares about me, then during school i was tripped a couple times and after school, i was slapped across the face and kicked in the stomach. And th-they told me i should k-kill myself and that i am useless and worthless, th-they called me ugly and fat, and that no one could ever love me.'' by then you were in tears he comes up and turns me around and gives me a hug and i say ''but its all true, its so true'' i say he looks me dead in the eye and says ''you are worth so much to me and you are so beautiful and i love you, they are just jealous about how beautiful you are and amazing of a personality you are. And how you bring light to the world not the room but the world. And how your smile can capture someone. They envy you baby, don't let anyone tell you different'' he kisses you then brings you over to your bed and you two snuggle up and each trading i love you's back and fourth, and you soon fall asleep...


A message to everyone. If you call yourself or if anyone is calling you hurtful things like said above you can always message me and i promise i will listen, and mostly understand. I love you guys- xoxo Adriana

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