Chapter Two

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That night I tossed and turned in my bed with thoughts of Harry fresh in my mind. He didn't really tell me anything about himself but he seemed kind and inviting if you looked past his piercings and few tattoos. I tried to call recall as many details about him as possible. Where his dimples caved into his cheeks, the way his lip ring moved when he smiled, the curls poking out in all directions because of his beanie. He seemed to hold many secrets but I wasn't sure what they could possibly. While thinking about all of the possibilities I eventually drifted to sleep with him in my mind.

The next day when I had three alarms get me out of the cozy embrace of my bed, I ran for the showers as fast as I could hoping that no one would be inside and I would take a hot shower alone. Luckily everyone was still asleep at 4:00 am here so I had the whole bathroom to myself. I left my clothing and towels on a bench and hopped into the shower while turning the knobs, awaiting heated water to soothe my muscles. The hot water I was longing for came out colder than the glacier that hit the Titanic and my hands reached to adjust the temperature. 

Once the water was finally at the temperature I desired, I reached for  my toiletries on the bench and lathered myself in candy cane scented soaps. After, I was finally cleaned I wrapped a towel around myself, grabbed all my belongings and headed for my dorm while everyone else was making their way to shower. When I opened my dorm door my roomate Alex was still sleeping in a fetal position, clutching her pillow. I slipped on my clothing and untangled my hair with a comb hoping it would turn out okay for the day.

"Bye Alex." I whispered while grabbing my books and heading out for my day full of classes.

Throughout the day everything happened normally except for my low attention span because I was too busy day dreaming about the fellow I met last night. The curls, his green eyes, the way he...

"Emma, does The Great Gatsby not interest you enough?" Mr. Holifield asked. Everyone whipped around and eyed me down carefully.

I shook my head as fast as possible and brushed my hair behind my ear, swallowing as much fear as I could. It wasn't in my character to not focus especially on my favorite book in this entire course. With my hands permitting, I grabbed my book and turned to the page that was written on the blackboard.

"As I was saying-" Mr.Holified attempted to continue his lecture but everyone filed out of the classroom for their next class.

The rest of the day was smooth sailing for me and all of the assignments that were handed back to me either had an A- or above. Nobody really talked to me as usual except for the occasional asking to see what we were studying today or what book to use. That was until my last class of the day, Latin.

Latin class was probably the class I struggled the most in; probably because I never really understood Spanish or Italian which come from Latin. I sat down in my usual seat right in the very back of the classroom because I didn't really want to learn how to conjugate Latin verbs because it was something that I didn't care for. Mrs. Hernandez stood in the front of the classroom instructing everyone when someone decided to barge in the classroom. Coincidentally, it was the same green eyed boy I had met last night, Harry.

"You are late. Where is your pass?" Mrs. Hernandez asked.

"I'm guessing this is Latin?" he laughed and scratched his head.

"Yes now where is your pass?"

"Well let me fill you in, I'm new here, therefore I don't know where any of my classes are which made me late." he said with a smirk and began to walk down the isle looking for a seat.

Mrs. Hernandez's jaw dropped in surprise just like mine did when he sat next to me. He had on a lavender knit sweater and a a snapback that let his hair flip out on the sides. Harry seemed so sweet last night but I guess he had a snippy side to him which slightly scared me because I never knew if he could flip the switch on me. 

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