A Trip to the Underworld

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"Star, I really don't want to do this," Marco muttered as he looked over at the blonde teen who was sitting on the couch next to him and eating popcorn while 'The Grudge' played on the tv.
Star sighed as she placed the bowl of popcorn down on the small table in front of the couch and moved closer to her friend, slinging an arm around his shoulders and looking him in his eyes.
"Don't worry about this so much, Marco. Tom's changed," she said and Marco let out a dry laugh.
"That's what you said when he wanted to take you to the Blood Moon Ball and that turned out wonderfully," he replied as he put his face in his hands and groaned.
"Come on, Tom's gonna be here any minute and you're still in your pajamas," Star said and pulled the other teen off of the couch and up to his room.
She shoved him into the bedroom and quickly shut the door before Marco could run back out.
"Now get dressed!" she shouted and heard Marco cuss before the slamming of dresser drawers was heard.
"Hey, Starship."
Star jumped and looked over her shoulder, grinning when she saw Tom standing there in a black suit and tie.
"You look nice," she said as she turned completely around to face the demon who smiled and thanked her.
"So, is he almost ready?" he asked and Star pressed her ear to the door, snickering when she heard something that sounded like Marco falling and spouting curses.
"I think he fell down while getting ready," she giggled and slowly opened the door, bursting out into loud laughter when she saw Marco pinned to the floor with Ferguson and Alfonzo lying on top of him.
"How in the world did this happen?" she asked and Marco struggled to get out from under his two friends.
"I honestly don't know," the tan skinned teen replied and finally stood up after getting out of the pile.
He brushed off his black skinny jeans and straightened out his white t-shirt before looking over and letting out a small gasp when he saw Tom standing there.
"Hey there, Diaz. You ready?" the pink haired male asked and Marco quickly grabbed his red jacket and slipped it on before walking over to the two others standing by the door.
Star noticed how tense Marco was and rolled her eyes as she pushed the boy into the demon who quickly wrapped his arms around him.
"I think I'm ready," Tom said and walked down the hall, dragging Marco with him.
"H-Hey! What are you doing?" Marco growled as he struggled to get out of Tom's grip, but the other teen held on to him tighter.
"Come on, I have plans for us tonight," he said and Marco slowly stopped struggling, letting Tom to drag him to the dimension portal.
Tom stepped through the portal and they were suddenly standing in a large bedroom that had posters of bands that Marco quickly recognized covering the walls and a large bed in the left corner of the room.
"First, you should meet my parents," Tom said as he grabbed Marco's hand and lead him into the hallway, making sure to keep an eye out for the servants.
They stopped a pair of large oak doors and in one swift motion, Tom had them pulled completely open.
He lead his date into the throne room where his mother and father were sitting in their thrones looking bored and tired.
"Uh, Mom, Dad?" Tom quietly called out to his parents as he walked towards them, Marco staying behind him with a tight grip on his hand.
The two adults looked up and suddenly looked fully awake.
"Ah, Tom! Is this a little friend of yours? He looks like one of those little humans," Tom's father said as he leaned over and looked down at the wide eyed boy.
"Well, he's actually that boy I've been telling you about. The one who I'm taking on a date tonight," Tom mumbled and his mother chuckled as she looked down at her son and his...date.
"I think he's a keeper. What about you, dear?" she asked as she turned to face her husband who quickly nodded his head.
"I'm Alastor and this is my wife, Bianca," the demon man said and Marco gulped as he slowly moved out from behind Tom.
"I-I'm M-Marco. Marco Diaz," he introduced himself and the two demons softly smiled down at him.
"Tom, you be nice to this boy. Don't let this end like it did with Star," Bianca said and Tom groaned as his three eyes rolled and he bent his back in an unnatural angle.
"Of course I'll be nice to him. Come on, Marco. I thought we could go to the park before going to the place where I planned our date," the demon teen said as he stood back up straight and looked down at Marco who nodded his head.
As the two teens walked away, Tom's head turned completely around to face his parents and he stuck his tongue out at them before spinning his head back around and leading Marco out of the mansion.
"Your parents seem nice," Marco said and Tom pretended to gag.
"Try living with them," he muttered and the Mexican teen quietly giggled as he shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets and let Tom lead the way to the park.

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