Stronger Together [END]

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Marco sighed as he took another homework paper from the pile and laid it out on his desk in the corner of his room.
"I still can't believe you got this much extra work," he said as he glanced over at Star who was balancing a pencil on her nose.
"I know, right!? I didn't even do anything wrong!" Star exclaimed, grabbing her pencil and slamming it down onto Marco's dresser.
Marco turned completely around to face her. "Well, you kind of called the teacher an idiot."
"But I didn't-"
"Even if you didn't say it, it was still clear what you meant."
Star huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back against the wall.
"...That's not fair."
"Life isn't fair."
"You sound like my mom."
Marco rolled his eyes as he turned back around and got back to working on the homework.
"Is Tom coming over today?" Star finally asked as she walked over to Marco and leaned against his desk.
"Hmm? Oh, uh, no. He had to stay late at school again today," Marco replied, not looking up.
"Do you know why?" Star had already knew why, she knew that Marco did as well, she wanted to see how he was reacting to it.
"Nope, not a single clue."
"Really?" She knew he was just playing dumb now.
Star opened her mouth to say something, but she was cut off when Marco's phone began going off. She watched him dig the small device out of his pocket and flip it open, answering the call and pressing the phone against his ear.
There was murmuring on the other end and Marco's pencil fell from his hand and onto the desk.
"Is-... Will everything be all right?"
More murmuring.
"O-Okay. We'll be there in a few minutes."
"See you soon, goodbye."
Marco flipped his phone shut and shoved it back inside his pocket.
"What's going on?" Star asked as she pushed herself off of Marco's desk as the boy flew out of his chair and ran over to his closet to grab his jacket.
"The, uh... Th-The Elders found out about what Tom did to Justin and they're trying to have him banished."
"Wait, isn't he above them?"
"Shouldn't you know?"
"I didn't date him that long, Marco, now spill."
"Okay, okay, he is not above the Elders until he becomes king. That means that they can still banish him if they want to. I can't believe he never explained that to you."
Marco slipped his jacket on and zipped it up, then looked over at Star to ask, "Can you make a portal?"
Pulling out her scissors, the girl quickly cut a portal to the Underworld that they both quickly jumped into, not knowing exactly where they were going to land.
Unfortunately, they landed on the other side of the Underworld, the one place they didn't want to be.
"Dammit! How are we gonna get there in time now?" Marco exclaimed as he threw his hands up in the air. "Tom's going to be banished, and I can't do anything about it!"
"Calm down and think," Star hissed as she grabbed Marco's shoulders. "Think of something-... Anything that could help us get there."
Marco leaned back against one of the large trees around them and bit on his thumb nail. He snapped his fingers together, exclaiming, "I've got it! All right, Tom showed me the alley ways and told me that you can get anywhere in the Underworld by using them, no matter where you are."
"Sweet! Well, lead the way, Diaz!" Star giddily said.
The two took off, running through alleys and dodging multiple demons and monsters that tried to grab them.

"There! In that building!" Marco shouted as he pointed to a large building that rose about that rose above the others. It looked like a church, except the cross on top was upside down.
"...Well they're clearly trying to avoid stereotypes," Marco sarcastically said and Star nudged him with her elbow.
Marco suddenly felt his heart speed up and with unknown speed, ran up the church steps towards the door and threw them open. Looking in, he saw a church full of demons, with Tom and his parents standing at the very front in front of five much older looking demons. Marco stood there, panting, and looking at the scene in front of him. And when Tom turned around, he felt his heart skip a beat and he took off down the aisle towards the other boy.
"Marco! What-" Tom was cut off when Marco ran into him, wrapping his arms around his neck and tightly hugging him.
"Are you okay?"
"Other than the shackles on my wrists, I think I'm fine."
Only then did Marco notice the iron shackles on Tom's wrists, preventing him from...whatever they believed he would do.
"Who is this boy?" one of the Elders asked as he pointed his gavel at Marco. "Alastor, what is your explanation for this?"
"Well, you see-"
"Grand Elder, this is Marco Diaz, my mate," Tom interrupted and the demons occupying the church all loudly gasped.
"What is the meaning of this!?" the Grand Elder shouted, as murmuring started among the demons. "How did this happen? Humans are not allowed in the Underworld!"
"It happened at the Blood Moon Ball. Marco was worried about Star-" Tom gestured to Star who was standing at the back of the church before continuing. "and he followed her. Long story short, we were caught under the Blood Moon together and our souls are now bonded together."
The Grand Elder opened his mouth to begin shouting once more, but the female Elder to his right put a hand on his shoulder and whispered something in his ear before pulling back and smiling down at the two boys.
With a sigh, the Grand Elder calmly asked, "Thomas, was this boy the reason why you used your powers on the above world?"
"Yes, he was."
"Tell us, why?"
Tom looked down at Marco and they looked at each other, both of them with eyes filled with confusion and fear.
"Marco, I-"
"It's fine, you can tell them."
"Can't he-"
"No, Thomas, you must tell us," the Grand Elder growled.
Tom glanced over at Marco one more time before he faced the Elders and began to speak. "I went to a party with Marco and Star a little over a week ago and while we were there, Marco's drink was drugged by one of his classmates who we thought we could trust. He..." Tom trailed off as his breath came in short intakes and he clenched his fists as they began to turn red.
Marco saw this and quickly covered Tom's hands with his own, quickly feeling the heat fade away until Tom's body temperature was back to normal.
"You've gotta calm down. Breathe," Marco whispered in Tom's ear, and the demon slowly nodded his head as he closed his eyes and began to slowly breathe.

"I'm okay," he finally said, as he opened his eyes and looked up at the Grand Elder. "I can continue. That boy tried to-... He tried to have his way with Marco. If I would not have done what I did, I would've never forgiven myself and would not have been able to continue being Marco's mate, knowing that I let him down."
As Tom finished, the Elders quietly exchanged words and finally the Grand Elder looked back down at Tom and Marco who were having their own quiet conversation as they stood so close that their noses were touching. The Grand Elder cleared his throat and got the attention of the two boys.
"Thanks to my companions' compassion for young love and our knowledge of what it is to be mates, we're dropping all charges and releasing Thomas," he said and banged his gavel before standing up and walking away.
Tom and Marco watched at the shackles unlocked and fell to the floor, releasing Tom's wrists and allowing him to properly hug Marco, which was exactly what he did.
"I don't know what the hell would've happened if you wouldn't have shown up," Tom said as he wrapped his arms around Marco's waist and pulled him close.
"You probably would've fried the carpet," Marco giggled, and Tom chuckled as well.
"I would not have doubted it," Bianca said as she walked up behind Tom, along with Alastor.
"Thank you for what you did, Marco, we were not sure what was going to happen when Tom started talking about the party and that boy," Alastor added, as he put his hand on Marco's shoulder.
"Hey, I guess that shows how strong we are, right?" Tom asked with a grin, as he looked down at Marco's grinning face.
"Yeah, no kidding," Marco giddily replied.
Tom kissed Marco's cheek, watching as his face turned red and they both realized, then and there, just how much they really loved each other.
"All right, you two, PDA isn't allowed here," Alastor sighed, as he put his hands on his hips.
"...My place?" Tom asked, as he looked over at Marco who nodded his head.
Tom opened a portal to his bedroom and gestured for Marco to go first, which he did. But he unexpectedly reached the top half of his body back out and grabbed Tom's hands, pulling him into the portal as well; both of them were laughing at that point.
"Oh my, you don't think they'd-"
"Don't worry about them, Bianca, they know they aren't the legal age to do that. Besides, at least one of them has some common sense..." Star said, as she looked up at the queen with an innocent smile.

Meanwhile in Tom's bedroom, the two boys were curled up on the large bed together, quietly talking and flirting and repeatedly exchanging those three words, "I love you". They knew that from that moment, nothing could tear them apart, no matter who or what it was...



I'm gonna cry. I need a tissue. *grabs tissue* Well, here we are, at the end at last. I can't believe this actually came this far!
*My Heart Will Go On starts playing in the background*

Tom: Cecil would like to thank all of you for reading, voting, and commenting on this story.

Marco: Even the critics!

Tom: Yes, even the critics. Cecil has confirmed with us that there will be a sequel to this that will center around-

Anyway, yes, there is going to be a sequel to this! I'm already working on the plot and there should be a chapter up by either tonight or in the morning. But that is all for now and I will hopefully see you in the next book!

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