Meeting The Parents

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Marco sighed as he exited the movie theater with Tom, his hand tightly being held by the demon.
"So, did you like the movie?" Tom asked as he looked down at the brunette who nodded his head.
"It was...interesting. We don't have movies like that where I'm from," he replied as he replayed parts of the movie in his mind.
Tom smiled as he slid his arm around the Mexican boy's waist, pulling him into his side.
Heat radiated off of Tom and throughout Marco's body, making him shudder.
When he felt his phone go off in his pocket, he stopped walking to pull it out and see what had caused it to go off in the first place.

Are you two love birds done yet? Come on, we have a movie night to get to. -Star

Calm down, Star. I'll be home in a minute. -Marco

You better, or I'm starting without you. And I'll have the laser puppies obliterate your bedroom... Including your karate stuff. -Star

Marco groaned as he put his phone back in his pocket and straightened his jacket.
"Star wants me home now," he sighed and Tom nodded his head, then created a portal that lead to Marco's bedroom.
"I am now slightly concerned about my safety at night," the teen mumbled as he stepped through the portal.
"Oh!" he gasped as he turned back around to face Tom. "You wanted to meet my parents, right? Well, we might as well do it now."
Tom blinked a few times before stepping through the portal as well, closing it behind him before fallowing Marco downstairs.
"Mom? Dad?" he called out as he reached the first floor.
"Kitchen!" his mother called out in reply. Marco gestured for Tom to follow him and the two walked into the kitchen where the two adults were quietly flirting with each other and cooking.
"Mom, Dad, seriously, you'll burn the food before you're done," Marco said with a fake gag as his father pulled his mother close by her waist.
"Marco! There you are!" Angie exclaimed, a grin on her face.
"And who is this boy you have brought with you?" Rafael asked as he turned to face the two teens standing in the doorway.
"Oh! Mom, Dad, this is Tom. Tom, these are my parents, Rafael and Angie Diaz," Marco introduced them as he stepped to the side, out of the way as his father walked over to Tom and pulled the demon boy into a bone-crushing hug.
"Ha ha! This is the boy you were talking about with Star, yes?" the man laughed and Marco slowly nodded his head, choosing his words and his movements carefully.
"Oh, Marco, he looks just your type! He's surely a keeper," Angie said as she tightly hugged her blushing son.
"Mom!" Marco whined as he hid his now red face in his hands. Tom chuckled as Rafael let go of him and went over to ruffle his son's hair. There was the sound of something breaking and suddenly Star was in the kitchen.
"Tom, living room," she said and pulled the pink-haired boy into the living room.
"How'd it go?" she asked as she let go of his shirt sleeve.
"Well, he met my parents, we walked around a bit, saw a movie, you know, date stuff," Tom replied and Star groaned in annoyance.
"Did you tell him about it yet?"
Tom shook his head. "Not yet, but I will. Eventually..."
"Tell who what?" Marco asked as he walked into the living room, the pink slowly disappearing from his cheeks as he looked back and forth from Star to Tom.
"Guys? What's wrong?"


Holy hell, I UPDATED! HUSTON, WE MIGHT HAVE A PROBLEM! But seriously, I didn't think that I'd get an update in today. My other stories on here and a new story on Quotev is taking up a lot of my time. Plus, school, friends, family, the usual, ya know. And I still have to catch up on recent episodes of SVTFOE but I'll do that later. I'll be updating on this once or twice a month so just keep an eye out for that.

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