Burning Out

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After loosing Toffee, Star opened up a portal to Tom's bedroom (without Tom's consent, of course) where they planned to hide out for an hour or so before they decided it was safe for Star and Marco to go back home.
"So, what's up with Psycho Lizard Man?" Tom asked as he sat down on the floor next to Marco.
"Well, at first we thought that he wanted Star's wand so that he could corrupt it and use it to rule over Earth or some junk like that, but..." Marco stopped there, knowing Star would want to say the rest.
"But he actually wants to destroy it! I don't get why, though. The only thing that we know is that it has something to do with my mom," Star said as she put her head in her hands and let out a quiet sigh.
"But then why did he want Tom?" Marco asked, looking up from the floor.
"What?" Star gasped as she sat up straight and looked over at Marco who had quickly gone from looking at Star to now looking at the wall.
"Toffee didn't just want you this time, Star, he wanted Tom, too," Marco quietly said and Star scrambled to her feet, her eyes wide and full of what seemed to be mild confusion.
"Tom, your parents must know something about this," Star said, "we have to go ask them if they have anything against Toffee."
"Well, they'd be out at this time, but I could try calling them," Tom quickly replied and Star nodded her head as she urged Tom to call his parents.


"Oh. My. Gosh," Star muttered as she leaned back against the wall as the call between Tom and his parents ended. As it turns out, Toffee used to be the Royal Guard to Tom's parents and after being framed by another guard, he was banished from the Underworld by the king and queen who had believed all of the guard's lies.
"I'm gonna go home and see what else I can find out from my parents, plus, I think the two of you need some alone time," Star said with a wink and a small smile before she cut a portal to her bedroom and left the Underworld.
Marco sighed as he glanced over at Tom and let out a short scream when he saw that the other boy was literally flaming.
"T-Tom? You might want to try calming down," Marco said as he walked over to Tom and stood behind him.
"Calm down? How can I calm down when it's my parents' fault that Toffee is trying to fucking kill us!?" Tom shouted as he turned around to face Marco who jumped back out of fear and surprise.
"H-He isn't trying to kill us," Marco muttered, "his just trying to get back at your parents."
"It wasn't just my parents!" Tom shouted. "Her mother was in on it, too!"
"We know this already and we've worked it out to an understanding!" Marco replied in a rising voice. "Stop acting like a child, Tom!"
"Maybe you should've gone back with Star, perhaps then I wouldn't feel like this!" Toby shouted as he turned to face Marco, flames leaping from his body and nearly burning the smaller boy.
Marco gasped and ran from Tom's room and ran down the hall, pulling his phone out along the way to text Star.

Star, can you come and get me? -M

Sure. What happened though :? -S

We're fighting again and it's getting serious. -M

When Star didn't reply to that, Marco shut his phone again and shoved it back into his hoodie pocket. Seconds later, a portal opened in front of Marco and he was quickly pulled through into Star's room. There, he fell into the girl's arms, tears sliding down his cheeks as he quietly sobbed while Star tightly hugged him.



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