A Pain in My Chest

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Star yawned as she walked upstairs holding a cup of cocoa in her hand and a plate of nachos in the other. Marco had woken up about twenty - twenty five minutes ago and his parents quickly asked Star to bring Marco the nachos and the cocoa. By the time she reached Marco's bedroom again, his parents were gone and the boy was sitting up in his bed, rubbing at his temples.
"Heeey, Mess-Up Twin," Star said as she walked over to the bed. Marco weakly chuckled as he looked up at the blonde.
"Are you really gonna start that again?"
"You bet'cha," Star giggled, sitting down beside Marco on the bed. The boy stretched his arms above his head as he loudly yawned and leaned back against his pillows.
"So, how's your head?" Star asked as she handed Marco the plate of nachos.
"It still hurts, but it's better than it was."
Star hummed as she nodded her head and slowly swung her legs back and forth, the toes of her shoes lightly touching the floor as she did.
"Where'd Tom go?"
Star gasped and grabbed Marco's phone, ignoring the boy's annoyed whining. She quickly dialed Tom's number and was surprised when he didn't answer.
"That's.. Weird," she muttered, snapping the phone shut again and putting it on Marco's night stand.
"Star," Marco said, grabbing the girl's shoulders, "where is Tom? He didn't do anything...rash, did he? Please tell me he didn't."
Star's lips were tightly pressed shut, her expression one of defiance. Marco's expression was one of defiance as well, and he didn't plan to back down any time soon.
"We can do this all day, Star."
"Bring it on."


The defiance fight only lasted fifteen minutes before Star broke and told Marco everything. After she was done, Marco had flew out of bed, ran into his closet, got dressed while in the closet, and ran out of the room. Star ran to her room to grab her wand then chased Marco down the street. The rising sun gave the two teens a bit of light and allowed Star to see the scared look on Marco's face.
"Marco! What-"
"Tom's going to kill Justin!"
"How do you know that?"
"I have a feeling in my chest! It's like a heavy pain!"
Star groaned as she continued sprinting after the panting boy. Marco turned the corner and skidded to a halt when he saw the burning footprints leading to Justin's house where the door was still wide open and the curtains on the windows seemed to be chard.
"Shit!" Marco hissed had his ran his fingers through his hair and tightly gripped the dark locks in his hands.
"First, language, second, run!" Star shouted as she took off towards the house, Marco pulling himself out of his daze and followed the blonde into the beginning to burn house.
"Alright, you find Justin, I'll fine Tom," Marco quickly said the the two went their separate ways.
"Tom? Tom!" Marco shouted as he quickly ran upstairs, yelping when his hand touched the iron hot banister. He held his stinging hand to his chest and quietly whimpered as he continued walking upstairs. When he reached the landing, he followed the burning footprints to the bedroom at the end of the hall where most of the sound was coming from. He pushed the door open with his foot and looked in to see Tom levitating in the middle of the room, fire coming from his hands and fanning out around his body. His eyes had turning pure white and there was an expression of anger spread across his face.
"Tom!" Marco shouted, his lungs week from the smoke he had inhaled while walking through the house. The demon turned towards him and his eyes went back to their normal red color.
"M-Marco. You're awake!" Tom exclaimed, lowering himself down to the ground to quickly walk towards the shorter boy.
"Tom, what did you do with Justin?" Marco managed to choke out and Tom stopped in his tracks.
"The jock kid? Oh, I sent him to the Underworld to be tortured for eternity," Tom replied and Marco's mouth fell agape in surprise.
"Y-You what?"

"It was the only thing I could think of other than killing him."
"You are so messed up! W-Why would you do that?"
It was Tom's turn to be surprised.
"Marco, he could've raped you! Do you know how many people, including you, would've been affected by that?"
"Yeah, well, it didn't happen. Bring him back!" Marco stopped his foot on the floor.
"I can and will not do that!"
"Urgh! You are such an insensible jerk! The police could've just had a talk with him and changed his mind about what he was trying to do!"
"All right, well, if I'm such a jerk, maybe we just shouldn't be a thing!"
"Tom, that isn't-"
"Don't! It's over, Marco! We're through!"
Suddenly, a figure appeared behind Tom and it threw the demon to the side, quickly grabbing Marco and disappearing into a portal just as Star had reached the landing. The last thing the two teens saw before the portal closed was a blue tail sliding into the other realm.


This will be the last chapter for a while, while I take my break from Wattpad. You're very welcome for the cliffhanger, and I hope you all enjoyed. I wonder who the 'blue-tailed person' could be... :3

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