Revenge is a Plate Best Served Burning

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Tom sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair while he paced back and forth in the hall while Star tried to calm him down.
"Just.. UGH!" Tom shouted and opened a portal to his bedroom back in the Underworld. He stepped in for a few seconds before stepping back out with a pink bunny in his hands. He pet it until it's fur puffed up from the static that Tom's hand created and the pink haired demon sighed as he put the bunny down on the floor and leaned against the wall, putting his face in his hands.
"I can't believe I let that happen to him," Tom whimpered, sliding down the wall to sit on the floor.
"You didn't do anything wrong," Star sighed as she sat down beside the demon and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Are you saying it's Marco's fault?"
"No! I would never! What happened to night was all Justin's fault. He was the one who decided that it would be fun to see if he could do that with Marco. Honestly, I hope Justin get's his ass kicked for what he did."
Tom let out a dry chuckle. "Ditto."
The door to Marco's bedroom opened and Mr. and Mrs. Diaz walked out, relieved looks on their faces. The two teens quickly stood up and Angie quickly calmed them down.
"There's nothing to worry about. That boy didn't get too far and the only thing that I noticed was some bruising on his wrists and upper arms."
Tom and Star let out breaths that they hadn't realized they'd been holding before asking if they could see him.
"Of course," Rafael said, "just be quiet and try not to wake him up. All right?"
The two nodded their heads before walking around the adults and slipping into Marco's bedroom, shutting his door tight. Tom was beside Marco's bed in a flash, looking down at him and hoping that he'd get to see the boy's pretty brown eyes once again before he had to leave.
"Tom, he's going to be all right," Star said as she gently squeezed Tom's shoulder and bent down to push Marco's messy hair out of his face. Tom saw just how much Star was blaming herself for what had happened as well and realized how close the Mewni princess had become with the human and how much she had grown to love him. It was platonic, of course.
"I'll be back later, call me if Marco wakes up," Tome said and stepped through his hell portal that took him directly into the throne room of the castle.
"Dad, Mom, I need your help," he said as he walked towards the large thrones where his parents sat.
"Oh, what is it, son?" his father asked as he shut the book his was reading and put it on the table between the two thrones.
"There's someone I need to get rid of."
His father's eyes lit up and he grinned as he clapped his hands together. "Wonderful! Who is it and why?"
"Kid named Justin and the reason of his termination is the attempted rape of Marco Diaz."
The two adults quickly made preparations while cursing Justin and repeatedly asking how Marco was doing before they explained everything to Tom and allowed him to carry out his revenge on Justin, who was most likely not going to show up to school on Monday.

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