A New Enemy

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"Marco, look at what we got in the mail!" Star excitedly shouted, waving an envelope in Marco's face. Marco snatched the envelope out of Star's hand and opened it up.


"No," Marco said, tossing the card to the side. Star whined as she flopped across Marco's lap and looked up at him. "Why?"
"Don't you remember what happened last time?" Marco sighed and Star giggled.
"Hehehehe, Puke Boy."
"Oh my God, please don't start that again," Marco groaned as he put his face in his hands and tried to block out Star's giggling.
"Oh, come on, Marco," Star giggled, nudging Marco's side, "you can bring Tom~"
"Now why would I do that?" Marco asked, glancing over at the blonde girl who's grin grew wider.
"Because he's never been to an Earth party and just might like the idea of dancing with his boyfriend."
Star began wiggling her eyebrows and Marco groaned before shouting, "Fine! But you're calling Tom."
Marco hopped up from the couch and took off upstairs to his room, still being able to hear Star whining downstairs while he was in his room getting dressed. A few minutes later, there were three knocks on his door before it opened up and Tom walked in, a grin on his face. Star bounded in right after him and giggled when Tom kissed Marco's cheek and the shorter boy's cheeks turned dark red.


Several hours into the party, Marco was ready to go home and go to bed. Sadly, Star and Tom were too busy running around and dancing to pop songs.
Marco looked over to see Justin energetically waving at him. He lifted his arm and quickly waved back before going back to drinking his punch. He slightly jumped when Justin sat down on the chair beside him.
"Uh, w-wouldn't you rather be out there dancing or.. whatever?" Marco asked and Justin simply shrugged his shoulders, leaning back in the chair. Marco heard someone shouting his name and taking his cup away from his mouth, he looked over to where Star and Tom were showing off their abilities, making the other teens 'ooh' and 'ahh'. Marco giggled as he shook his head before going back to drinking his punch. It only took him three minutes to notice that something was wrong. He went to stand up and was instantly dizzy. He dropped his empty cup onto the floor and fell back, only to be caught by Justin who quickly began dragging him away from the large sea of dancing teenagers.

Marco groaned as bright light hit his eyes and as his vision cleared up, he could feel someone touching him. His eyes widened and he began struggling in the blonde jock's grip, screaming for help.
"Shut up," Justin hissed in the now whimpering boy's ear. Marco quickly shut his mouth, more afraid of what Justin could more than what would happen if someone, let alone Brittney, found them. There was a pain in his chest and the sound of muffled screaming was suddenly coming from the other side of the closet door that suddenly burst open to reveal a white-eyed, on fire, and clearly pissed off Tom. Justin barely had the chance to scream before he was being pulled out of the closet and thrown back into the watching crowd.
The demon quickly grabbed Marco who broke down sobbing, ashamed about what he was about to allow Justin to do all out of fear. Tom tightly wrapped his arms around Marco and began trying to calm him down.
"Star!" Tom shouted, the flames around him burning brighter than ever. Star quickly opened a portal and after picking Marco up, Tom stepped through the portal while Marco clung to him and cried on his shoulder. His swore to himself that he'd get back at Justin, no matter what it took.

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