We Need To Talk

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Star pulled the two boys upstairs to Marco's room and she sat Marco down on his bed then walked over to stand beside Tom.
"Tell him," she hissed, elbowing Tom in his said. The demon prince heavily sighed and crossed his arms over his chest, his usually fiery eyes now full of what seemed to be worry. With a sigh, he began to talk. "Marco, you remember how at the Blood Moon Ball the light of the Blood Moon ended up on us before disappearing?"
Marco nodded his head.
"Alright, well, that kind of bonded us together and there's no way to undo it."
"So in other words," Star cut in, "you're stuck with Tom for the rest of your life."
"What!?" Marco shouted as he stood up from his bed, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. Star quickly stepped forward and put her hands on Marco's shoulders. "Marco, calm down. Listen, it could be worse. We could've been bonded together."
Both teens turned away from each other and childishly gagged at the thought before becoming serious once more. "So calm down, okay? Take some deep breaths or whatever."
"I just.. I need some time alone. Could the two of you leave? Please?" Marco quietly asked and Tom snapped his fingers and a portal appeared beside him. Glancing over at Marco with worried eyes once more, he stepped in and was gone. Star exited Marco's room via the door, her eyes directed to the floor. Marco sighed as he sat back down on his bed and put his face in his hands. So that was why Tom was there for him. They were bonded. His mind began to wander and he began to think about what it would be like being bonded to Tom.
Why did his heart hurt? Why was he suddenly crying? Marco quickly sat up and began trying to wipe his tears away with the sleeve of his jacket. Star suddenly burst into his room and Marco let out a short scream as he jumped back on his bed.
"Why're you crying?" Star sternly asked as she walked over to Marco and put her hands on his cheeks, wiping the tears away.
"I-I think I love Tom. A l-lot," Marco stuttered and Star sat down beside him.
"But... I thought that was a good thing. Didn't he say he loves you, too?" Star asked and Marco nodded his head, wiping away a few stray tears.
"Then why are you crying?"
"I didn't know love hurt so much..." Marco muttered and Star sighed, pulling Marco into a tight hug.
"I thought that you were having second thoughts about him," she whispered and Marco shook his head.
"Never. Hey, isn't tonight Movie Night?"
Star gasped and quickly pulled Marco off of his bed. "You're right! You go make the Nachos and I'll go get the movies!"
The two teens quickly split, Marco running downstairs to the kitchen and Star running to her room. While Marco was in the middle of making the Nachos, Star had run downstairs to ask him something.
"Do you think we should have Tom come over?"
Marco thought about it for a minute before nodding his head. "Sure, why not."
Star quickly ran back upstairs to call the demon prince, leaving Marco to finish the Nachos. While they were cooling, Marco ran upstairs to change into his pajamas and while he was doing just that, he heard the sound of a portal opening and quickly buttoned his night shirt up before Tom stepped through the portal and into his room.
"Hey, Marco," Tom quietly greeted as Marco turned to face him. Without thinking, Marco threw himself at Tom and tightly hugged him, burying his face in the crook of Tom's neck.
"I'm sorry about kicking you out," he quietly apologized and Tom chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Marco's waist.
"Hey," he quietly whispered, "it's fine. No hard feelings."
The two boys looked over to see Star standing in the doorway in her pajamas with her hands on her hips.
"I hate to ruin this lovely hug session, but we should probably get downstairs before the Nachos get cold," she said and pulled Marco and Tom downstairs to the living room where a movie was already playing on the TV.

That night, the three of them fell asleep on the couch, Star cuddling a laser puppy and Tom and Marco cuddling each other, small smiles on both of their faces.

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