Calming Down

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A week later, Marco and Star had started going back to school and as soon as they walked into their first period class, they were both greeted with large stacks of papers and packets.

"Marco, what did you get on twenty-five?" Star whispered in Marco's ear but was quick to fly back into her seat when the sound of a ruler hitting her table surprised her.
"Class, there is an idiot at the end of this very ruler," the teacher said and a couple kids in the back snickered.
Marco looked over at Star and shook his head when he saw the look on her face. The girl wiggled her eyebrows at Marco before turning her attention to the large woman in front of her.
"...Which end?"
At that, the entire class burst out laughing and Justin stood up to shout, "Star Butterfly rules!"
Star grinned and Marco groaned as he put his face in his hands and shook his head.
"Office! Now!" the teacher screeched and Star calmly stood up from her seat and made her way over to the door, winking at Marco before slipping out of the classroom and into the hall.


"I can't believe I got extra homework!" Star exclaimed as she walked down the sidewalk with half of her homework pile in her arms and the other half of it in Marco's arms.
"Well, I guess that's what you get for technically calling the teacher an idiot," Marco sighed as he slightly shifted the pile of papers.
"I didn't call her anything! All I asked was, "Which end?" and she flipped on me!"
"Whatever. C'mon, Tom's probably about to set your room on fire."
The two quickly picked up their pace and began speed walking towards Marco's house to stop Tom from possibly burning Star's room.
"Mom! Dad! We're home!" Marco shouted as he threw the front door open and walked into the house. He waited for a reply, but got none.
"Mom? Dad?" he called out again as he put the stack of papers down on the coffee table, Star following his action.
"Oh shoot, I almost forgot! Marco, I'm supposed to be staying at Jackie's house tonight with a couple other people and your parents said they were going out tonight...all night," Star said as she glanced over at Marco.
"Well, go ahead. I can handle some of this work while your gone," Marco said as he watched Star create a portal to her room to grab her over night bag off of her bed.
Star muttered something under her breath as she snickered before quickly saying goodbye and slipping out of the house via the back door. Marco cocked an eyebrow before shrugging it off and turning back to the stacks of homework, only to find that they weren't there and Tom was levitating a few inches off of said table.
"...You planned this, didn't you?" Marco asked as he crossed his arms over his chest and raised both eyebrows.
"Of course I did, that's one of the great things about being me, I have all of the good plans," Tom replied as he levitated away from the table and lowered himself down onto the floor.
"Oh really now? Greater than your attitude?"
"Nah, I wouldn't go that far."
Marco snickered as he looked up at the taller boy who was now standing in front of him. He watched as Tom took a small remote out of his pocket and pressed the red power button on top of it. Music began playing and Marco recognized it as a Sia song; he'd heard Star listening to it multiple times before, but now he couldn't remember what the name of the song was.
"So, Mr. Diaz, care to dance?" Tom asked as he held his hand out and wiggled his eyebrows, causing Marco to snicker once again.
Giving in, Marco placed his hand in Tom's and laughed as he was pulled closer to the demon's warm body. As they danced, the sun setting and casting shadows around the room, they looked deep into each others' eyes and hummed along with the song.

Flame you came from me
Fire meet gasoline
Fire meet gasoline
I can barely breathe
When you're here loving me
Fire meet gasoline
Fire meet gasoline
I got all I need
When you came after me
Fire meet gasoline
I'm burning alive...

"And I can barely breathe, when you're here loving me. Fire meet gasoline, burn with me tonight~" Tom whispered the rest of the chorus in Marco's ear, making the other boy blush and grin like a fool.

Things were calming down, and both of them could only hope that everything would stay calm, for their sake and the sake of their relationship.


This took my longer than I expected it to, but I'm really happy with how this turned out. After this, you can expect a few more chapters before the final one. I'm not sure if I'll be making a sequel, since the sequels to some of my other stories basically flopped and were kind of a huge disappointment to me. But if I get enough good feedback for it, great! I'll make a sequel and see how it turns out!
Until next time, my friends!

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