Surprise Surprise

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When Mickey proposed to Jimmy, he said no because he was in love with Naomi.

She met a sexy irish man named Finn Balor.

She got into a car crash, and lost her baby.

Mickey will never come back to WWE, as she's been out for a year. Or so everyone thinks!

back to story*

Jimmy was walking in the hall with Naomi, when a short person with strokes of blue in their hair pushed past them.

He didn't get to see the face but yelled "Hey watch it! My wife, and I are walking here!" The person just flipped him off.

"It's fine babe, some people are just assholes." The new wife exclaimed.

Jimmy had just pissed off Stephanie, and was ordered to her office.

He opened the door, without knocking, because over the past year Jimmy had become very cocky, and arrogant.

Even though, The Attitude Era was back, he refused to fight women, which caused less title shots, and much more cockiness.

"What do you want Steph, I've got things to do!" Stephanie scoffed, and looked at him evilly.

"Well, Jimmy! Tonight you have a match against someone has been wanting to get their hands on you for a while. Now that I am your general manger, and not just helping my brother- thank you Shane- I have a match, that if you beat, you'll be the Number 1 contender for The Intercontinental Championship." Jimmy exploded in excitement, kissing Naomi, and whooping.

He signed the contract for the match, and laughed at Stephanie, who sat with a smirk staring at the signature.

Meanwhile, the person he was fighting was getting ready.

Time for the match**

Stephanie had the whole Main Roster out there, and Jimmy stood in the ring impatiently waiting for his opponent.

"Steph you have the whole roster out here. For what reason?" Stephanie smiled, and pointed towards the stage where a familiar theme started to play.

Can't keep my hands to myself....... No matter how hard I'm trying to......... I want you all to myself

The crowd was cheering loudly at the sight of Mickey in her new ring gear, and new hair.

She was wearing a black flared skater skirt, white stockings, white a crop top long sleeve shirt with the words Never Going Down printed on the front and back, combat boots, and a backwards Joker hat. Much like Ashely Massaro.

Her hair was now in a fishtail braid, and it showed the streaks of blue going through it. She took in a deep breath as she stood at the top of the ramp.

She put both her hands in front of her and shouted "I'm back bitches!"

She ran down the ramp tagging hands with fans, but keeping eye contact with Jimmy who stood with his mouth open.

She slid in the ring, and got on the top turnbuckles, and put her fist up! She smiled deeply, and laughed at the everyone's surprise.

She winked at a certain two people, who winked right back and gave her a thumbs up. She nodded, and got down. Growling at Jimmy.

She threw her hat into the crowd, and wiped off her shoes. She stretched her arms, and waited for the ref to start the match.

When he signalled for the match to start, Mickey walked up to Jimmy, and stuck out her hand. He shook it. Rookie mistake! she thought as she pulled Jimmy closer, and slapped him forcefully in the face.

He pulled away holding his face, and she backed up into a corner. When Jimmy finished holding his face, she speared him onto the mat.

He groaned at the pain, but she wasn't done yet. She sat on his chest, and punched him repeatedly in face. She stopped when the ref called number three.

She got on the top rope, and flashed a smile before, jumping off and hitting Jimmy with the Coupe De Gra. He laid in pain, because that was the second time this week he had gotten hit with this move.

She stood him up, and ran back at him, wrapping him in the Black Widow. She refused to give him anytime to get up, because then he would get his strength together, and probably crush her.

She pulled his arm tighter, and put all of her weight on him. He tapped out again, and again, but she still didn't let go.

Finn Balor, and Aj Lee climbed into the ring, and gave her a hug. She grabbed Finn by the back of his head, and hugged him tightly before walking over to Jimmy, and kicking him.

She put up her old heart sign, and imitated a broken heart, laughing at Jimmy, before grabbing Finn, and Aj, and walking backstage.

Where was Naomi during all of this? Making out with Miz. She had only just started cheating on Jimmy, because in her mind, being a wife is hard.

Once she was backstage she was smushed between three unicorns.

"Hey guys!" She yelled at The New Day, hugging them, and kissing their cheeks. They hugged her back even tighter than she hugged them, but what do you expect? They are men.

"Your back! Your back! Did you get the Booty O's? Were you ever thinking about us? Do you want a unicorn horn?" They asked simultaneously.

"I did get my seven boxes of Booty O's you mailed me. I was always watching your segments, when I was sad, so yeah I was thinking of you. I would absolutely love a unicorn horn!" They all laughed at her excitement, and said "You guys don't need to worry anymore! Because Mickey's Back, Mickey's back, Mickey's back, Mickey's back!" They yelled it to only themselves, Mickey, Aj, and a baffled Finn.

She hugged Aj, and grabbed Finn, walking back to his locker room, with a giant smile.

"You were great out there love!" Finn pulled Mickey into a hug, and kissed her cheek lightly. She smiled, and wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug.

"Thank you, I learned from the best!" Finn spun her around, so that she could go get changed.

She changed into a Finn Balor tee-shirt, white jeans, and red converses. She tied her hair in a ponytail, and walked outside of the locker room.

She was hugged again from behind, and knew it was only one person who would do that. "Bayley!"

"Yes! Welcome back my hugger!" Bayley ran away since she had a tag match with The New Day next.

"BABY CAKES!" There were only two people who called her that.... weirdos.

She spun around and, again was smashed between more people.

Those two being Paige, and Dean. She laughed at Paige who was squealing, and jumping like an actual diva.

Dean was laughing at Paige, and all the laughing stopped when everyone looked behind Mickey.

Before Dean could say anything Mickey turned around, and saw HIM.

If you were thinking Cody Rhodes....wrong! Everyone was probably thinking Jimmy anyway.

He was fuming, red in the face, and breathing heavily. For a second Mickey was scared, but then she started laughing, uncontrollably.

This is gonna be fun! Mickey thought while laughing.

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