I Didn't Know....

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Author's POV*

Jey left Mickey sitting in the Star Bucks. He was on a mission, and wouldn't stop until it went through.

He went back to his hotel, and saw Jimmy standing there, by himself, so he took the chance.

He slammed his brother up against the wall, gripping onto his shirt, with a crazy look in his eyes.

"Uce, what the fuck?" Jimmy asked struggling to get out of Jey's grip. That made him grip even tighter.

"Why the fuck haven't you asked Mickey about your daughter?" Jimmy froze at the word daughter. He had always wanted a daughter, to be his princess, and his spoiled love.

"We have a daughter? A daughter. Ha. I have a baby girl. One to call my own. I'm gone spoil the shit out of her." He said his eyes ready to burst.

"Oh, Uce. You need to speak to your baby mama. She's at Star Bucks." Jey said, not wanting to be the one to break the bad new to his brother.

Jimmy took off, running out of the hotel lobby, into the streets, down the block, and into Star Bucks. He saw Mickey sitting with her face down.

"Damn, she's even more beautiful, when I'm not mad." Jimmy said to himself, as he made his way over. He sat across from Mickey, and cleared his throat to get her attention.

Her head shot up, as she thought it was Jey, but she put it down when she saw Jimmy. He wasn't going to play games at all.

"Why didn't you tell me we were having a girl?" He said suddenly, not even caring that she didn't want to talk to him.

"Oh wow, Jimmy! No, 'Hello', 'How Are You?' or even 'How You Doin?'" She asked quoting Enzo, and Cass.

"Listen Mickey! I'm serious why didn't you tell me our baby is a girl?" She felt a pang of hurt in her chest, when he mentioned the baby.

"Well, if you weren't so busy cheating on me with Naomi, while I was on commentary for Paige's match, then you would have heard me. Because, it's strange that the baby's daddy doesn't she she's a girl, but strangers in different countries know she's a girl. Anyway, was. She was a girl." Mickey said looking down.

"What do you mean 'was'?" Jimmy asked her suddenly scared.

"The baby, is dead." She said. Wow, third time today, and it's still not any easier.

"YOU KILLED OUR BABY, YOU EVIL BITCH?" He screamed, causing the whole Star Bucks to look their way.

"No! Jesus Jimmy! The day I proposed, and you said no, I got into a car accident, and the air bag crushed me, which was too much trauma for the baby, and she died." Mickey cleared her throat, and squeezed her eyes shut.

"And, you didn't call me to tell me, that the baby was dead. You idiot!" Mickey's eyes shot open, and she turned them into little slits.

"Don't try to pin this on me. It's not my fault that you didn't come after me, it's not my fault that that car hit me. It's not my fault that the air bag crushed me!" She was seething with anger, so she got up, slapped Jimmy in his face, and poured her iced coffee on his head.

To top if off she put a stale candy ontop of his head.

His whole body shook with rage, and coldness as he sat there. She stomped on his foot, and walked away angry he would even think that.

Jimmy held his foot in pain, and stood up. Still dripping in coffee.

He walked out of the Star Bucks, and back to the hotel, seeing Jey talking to an angry Mickey.

"I'm sorry I left but, I had to do something. I didn't mean for you to think I was angry or disgusted." Jey said placing his hands on her shoulders.

"And, then you send Jimmy down there to chastise me? It's not my fault he wasn't there for her. I was out for a whole year, and I didn't get one text, call, or even email from him!" She yelled.

Jey calmed her down, and brought her into a hug, before kissing her head. Jimmy walked up to them, and Jey noticed how he looked.

Mickey smelled the strong coffee aroma, and turned around, laughing once she saw Jimmy, and then walking away, before her anger got the best of her.

"What the fuck Uce?" Jimmy asked standing in front of Jey.

"What the fuck do you mean? How the fuck could you be mad at her for not calling you? You should have called her! It was your responsibility." Jey yelled pushing Jimmy back.

"Don't put your fucking hands on me!" Jimmy said pushing him back. Jey pushed him, and Jimmy glared at him.

"I thought it was Bro's before ho's!" Jimmy said shaking his head in anger, and Jey started to walk away.

"You were the ho, not her!" He yelled already in the elevator.

Mickey's POV.

I contemplated whether or not to go back into my room. If I did there was a chance Finn would lecture me, but if I didn't, well they would bother me at work the next day.

Fuck it!

I unlocked my door, and went in. Finn was asleep on the couch, with his phone on the table. I wasn't gone that long.

Making my way to the room, I grabbed a blanket, and put it on Finn. He snuggled into it, and started to snore.

I went inside the room, and put my things down. I loosened my ponytail, and put on my pajamas. I got a text from Jey.

Big Bro- Goodnight Beautiful. If your going to sleep. Love you.

Me- Goodnight Jey. I love you too.

I changed his name to J-love, because why not?

Right before I went to sleep, I got another text.

Unknown- Watch your back, I'm coming for you.

Me- Nice try Jimmy, I'm not scared of you.

Unknown- I'm not Jimmy. I'm ten times worse. Watch your back!

Me- Whatever.

I may have played it off cool, but I was freaking out. Who the hell wants me this bad?

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