Wrestlemania Part Two: Betrayal

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When I went back to the room Aj was awake, but Paige was still knocked out.

"Hey Aj-eezy." I said looking at her.

She smiled up from her comic book, and said "What's up Mickey Mouse."

I sat down with Aj and took a look at her comic book.

"HEY! THATS MINE!" I said hitting her with a pillow.

Aj laughed and stuck her tongue out at me.

Eventually Paige woke up and we got ready.

Some eight hours later she woke up.

While we were at the arena, we switched into our ring gear.

Aj and I had on jean shorts, but Paige had on her usual black shorts.

We all had on a shirt with the word FREAK, going all over it.

Paige had her regular shirt on under it.

I had on Black Timberlands, Aj had on all black Chucks, and Paige had on black Doc Martens.

I had my hair in a ponytail, Aj's was in her usual waves, and Paige's was straight.

Our theme was that song from Suicide Squad, but after a minute or so, it would be basically Lita's theme.

Because, she passed it on to us.

We all agreed to skip, because we are deathly good at it.

When the theme it we all walked out, facing the back.

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know.
Please don't mae any sudden moves.
You don't know the half of being abused.

We all turned around, and tilted our heads, smiling.

Then, Paige galloped, I walk-skipped, and Aj regular skipped.

We were first in the ring, because we were boss like that.

Aj had been acting weird all day, and she seemed to be hiding something.

When the Bella's came out with their awesome music.

Yes, I actually like their theme song.

Anyhow, the first person to get in was Aj, and Eva.

The match started and Eva tackled Aj quickly.

Aj fought back with all her might, but Eva overpowered her.

Eva grabbed Aj's hair, and dragged her over to her corner, where she tagged in Nikki.

Nikki slammed Aj's head into the ring post about seven hundred times!

"Come on Aj!" Paige shouted.

"Come on!" I screamed, as she laid there.

Then, she tagged in Brie, who gave Aj a Bella Buster.

She went for the pin but, thankfully, Aj kicked put at two.

Brie pulled her up by the hair, but Aj got some strength.

She head-butted Brie, gave her a spinning heel kick.

Brie fell back onto the canvas and held her head.

Aj crawled over and tagged me in.

This was my turn.

With Brie still on the floor, I took out the other members of team Bella.

Nikki got a right hook to the jaw, and then Eva got a left hook to the jaw.

They ended up on the floor.

Finally, I turned my attention to Brie.

We circled each other, and then locked up.

I got her down though, with a leg sweep.

But, Brie pulled me down, and tackled me.

She got punched all over my face, before I got her off.

Then, she kicked me in the gut, and gave me The Bella Buster.

I was physically drained, but kicked her leg.

Crawling over to my side, I went to tag Paige but, she jumped off.

She ran over to the other side, where Eva and Nikki were attacking Aj.

When Paige got over, they backed away.

But, Paige picked up Aj and slammed her into the barricade.

"WHAT THE FUCK PAIGE?" I screamed, leaning on the ropes.

Suddenly, I was lifted in the air, and slammed onto three knees.

I'm pretty sure my spine broke.

Rolling onto my side, I saw Paige get in the ring.

She stomped on my face, and kicked my, already bruising, ribs.

Then, since this was a no DQ, she rolled into the ring with a chair, and hit me with it.

She basically did what Seth Rollins did to The Shield, except only one person got chaired.

Brie pinned me, and I had no strength whatsoever to kick out.

I sat there in pain and tears, watching as they were handed the titles.

Aj was knocked out on the side of the ring, I was inside all beat up, and Paige was celebrating with Team Bella.

She put the loser sign up at us, and laughed evilly.

My heart broke so hard, when she did that.

Medics rushed into the ring and lifted me onto a stretcher.

I'm not sure what they did to Aj though.

The last thing I saw before passing out was Jey, trying to push though everyone.

Hey kiddies! I hope you loved this chapter. Sorry for the long update.

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