What Happened?

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I looked into his baby blue eyes, and I didn't know what to do. Why is he standing here, like this, with me?

"Cody..... Hi." I said looking away. He sighed deeply and pulled me to his chest. I breathed in his familiar scent, and chuckled lightly.

"Oh Mickey! I have missed you so much! I'm so sorry for cheating on you. I regretted it everyday. I'm not that guy anymore. I was a jerk back then. I swear!" He said squeezing me tightly.

"So your not a jerk now?" I asked, my voice sharp.

"No! Scouts honor I swear! I have turned over a new leaf." He stook out his hand for me to shake.

Instead, I gave him another hug, and looked up at his scratched and bruised face. He had a cut under his eye, three big bruises on his cheek, and two bandages on his forehead.

"Cody, what happened to your face? It looks worse than it did when you were 'disfigured'." I said lightly touching the bandages.

"I uh, got attacked by some people. No biggie. Now back to you, how's your baby? I hear she's a girl." He asked with a bright grin on his face.

My eyes pooled with water. My baby girl is gone. It wasn't my fault. That other person cut through a stop sign, and hit me. I wanted to let the tears fall, and sob, but I kept it in.

"Uh, she didn't make it. See, the day I ahem.... proposed to Jimmy, and he said no, I got hit by another car, and the baby didn't survive." Cody's face went through three different phases: Happy, Angry, and then sad.

"I am so sorry! I wish I could help you but, I can't. I have gotta go meet up with Gold Dust, but here's my new number. I changed it after breaking things off with Maxine, she was stalking me." I laughed slightly, and typed in his number.

I walked down the hallway, more confused then sad, by that time I came back around to the scene where Jimmy, and Naomi were. Of course they weren't there anymore. Bitches.

Paige, and Dean were waiting outside of Finn's locker room, with worried expressions on their pretty little faces.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" I asked causally, as if I hadn't just walked away from them, without any words.

"We thought, you had hurt yourself, or somethin'. Don't ever walk away from us like that again! Okay love?" Paige said squeezing me into a hug.

"Yeah, please little M, don't do that. I was scar- I mean worried about you." Dean said nervously.

"Okay, okay, okay. I just needed time to cool off." I said pushing Paige away, before laughing.

"Oh, yeah. Later I'm gonna go hang with Jey, to catch up. I really missed that samoan butt fuck." I said laughing at their faces.

"Oh dank god! You guys founded her, oh dank god! I was so scarred dat I was puttin' up poster wit your face on dem." Finn said laughing slightly. When he's angry, or worried his speech is strange, and he doesn't pronounce things right sometimes.

"Finn calm down. I haven't taken those pills in months. That accident will never happen again. So please stop babying me! I am a grown woman, and I wasn't even an addict." I said getting really annoyed.

"Yeah, but you still have them, and you could relapse. We don't want to have to take you back to the hospital for a third time." Dean said, and I clenched my fists at my side.

"You know what? Fuck all of you! I can't believe you would think I would relapse! Some friends you are!" I yelled, and walked into Finn's locker room, locking the door.

I grabbed my bag, and walked out. Slamming the door behind me.

I texted Jey, telling him to meet me soon.

Me- How about we meet up at Star Bucks in about an hour. That way we have lots of time.


Big Bro- Sorry, all caps.

I laughed at him, and got to my hotel. I share a room with with Finn, and I knew he would be there soon, so I took a quick shower, and got dressed to hang with Jey.

 I share a room with with Finn, and I knew he would be there soon, so I took a quick shower, and got dressed to hang with Jey

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Once I was ready, Finn had come in. I walked past him, to get my phone, without saying anything.

"Look Mickey, we didn't mean to upset you, but-" I cut him off, already annoyed.

"You thought I would relapse. You guys have been treating me different ever since then. It was a one time mistake! But, I guess you assholes don't believe in forgive, and forget. What about when you left me in the room that day, to hang out with Sami. I couldn't move anywhere, and the cleaning lady almost whacked me with a broom thinking I was an intruder. I forgave you for that!" I yelled trying not to cry.

"You know what? Forget it! I'm gone." I walked out of the room, and slammed the door, just for affect.

I met Jey at Star Bucks, and he picked me up in a hug. My mood brightened at the smell of Jey.

I know what your thinking, 'why does she keep talking about the way people smell?' Well, I like to smell the people I know.

"So, I know your back late, because of what happened. So tell me, how is my little niece? Can I spoil her to death?" Jey asked, and I completely broke down.

It's hard hearing about your dead baby once in a day, then your friends thinking your gonna relapse, then hearing about your dead baby.... again.

"She uh, didn't make it. T----there was a crash, a-a-a-and, i-it was just t-t-t-to much." I sniffled keeping my head down.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, and I cried into Jey's sweatshirt. He stroked my hair, and shh'd me, because apparently I was causing a huge scene.

"Oh, Mick! I'm so sorry! If I would have known...... I would have helped. I can't believe it. Trust me, I would have loved her with all of my heart." Jey said after I finished crying.

He had some tears of his own trailing down his beautiful face. I don't know what came over me, but I felt so compelled to kiss him, so I did.

I kissed him right on his lips, and for a brief minute or so, he kissed me back, but then pulled away. The look in his eyes was unreadable.

"Well, I didn't see that coming....... ha!" He said laughing a little.

I, instead, looked straight ahead, and took a sip of the hot chocolate that I had just ordered.

"Hey, don't feel bad. It was a heat of the moment thing. You needed love, and compassion. I was giving it to you, and things happened. But, I would be dumb if I said I didn't like it." He said looking down.

"Your right! I needed the compassion. My friends think I'm gonna relapse, and I won't! I would never take those pills again." I said picking at my fingers.

"Relapse? What pills? What happened?" He said simultaneously.

"Here goes nothing. When I first got my knee brace on, after my leg cats was off, I was in a lot of pain. I had got prescribed Pain KIllers, and one day I had a drink of wine, and a few painkillers. One thing led to another, and I ended up trying to cut my wrists. Finn caught me in time." I let out a big sigh.

Jey looked at me, and then stood up, and walked away. He left me there, at Star Bucks.

The Samoan Queen [Sequel To My Samoan King] ~DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now