Walking The Rhode

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"It's your honeybear calling! It's your honeybear calling! Pick up your phone, because it's your honeybear calling!" The phone sang in my ear.

I rolled over and locked at it. The picture was of Aj, and I. She's so weird. To be honest, Aj's not crazy. It's her persona. They give us personas for when we got out.

She's not crazy, and she doesn't even like kissing all those guys. I've always got to pick my storyline, so I chose none at all. I just let it go with my life.

"Yo, A?" I asked hoarsely.

"Everyone has been looking for you? Were are you? Finn's going crazy in your hotel room." Aj yelled.

I could hear Finn yelling into his phone, and pacing as the call took place.

"Well, I'm actually in my hotel room, sleeping in my room. He's in the living room. Maybe he didn't realize I took the other room, but I'm here. Now I'm gonna go take a shower. Love you Aj, bye!" I hung up my phone, and got up.

I grabbed my Pokemon stuff, and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, washed my hair, and showered.

Then I got out, and did my hair in a nice flowery fishtail braid, while it was still wet. Then, I blow-dried it that way. Perfect, as always.
I put on my clothes, but underneath of my goody-goody Pokemon, I was sporting some lacy panties. They make me feel good.

Once I fixed my hat, I grabbed my phone, and swapped it's case, putting in the Pika-Chu case, and setting it down. It was time to make a decision.

Do I: A] Stay here, and get a huge lecture from Finn, then have him cry into my shirt about how worried his was, then give me loads of hugs, or B] Go hang out with someone, and just leave Finn to think about his accusations?

I think B would be easier, because he wouldn't mess up my shirt. Like, Hello? This shirt costs almost twenty-nine dollars at Hot Topic. Freaking over priced awesome store!

I pulled out my phone, and called a certain number, that I knew would love to hang out with me.

"Hello?" He asked from the other side of the phone, sounding like he just finished his morning workout, probably looking sexy as fuck!

"Hey Cody! It's me Mickey. Wanna go to the movies, and hangout until the show starts?" I asked biting my lip, and waiting for an answer.

"Of course! We can meet up in the lobby in about thirty minutes. I just finished my workout, and I gotta shower, get dressed, and, sadly, shave the love-stache." He sighed.

"What? Why are you shaving the love-stache? It's been there almost a whole year!" I exclaimed, actually happy he was shaving that small ferret from his upper lip.

"Because, it's a time for new beginnings. I grew it when I was with Maxine, and we are done, so I'm just gonna shave it off. I looked better without it anyway." I heard him opening a door, so I ended the conversation.

"Alright. Call me when your done, and kiss the love-stache for me. Bye-bye, mwauh!" I kissed the phone, and hung up. Now I just had to wait for Cody to call.

I was pretty hungry, but Finn was still yelling into his phone in the living room. When I heard him close the door to his bathroom, I dashed out, and grabbed an apple, then dashed back into the room.

I started to watch some Netflix, and eat the apple. Finn came back out, and was still yelling into his phone. I know this is messed up, but it was funny hearing him tell people to find me.

Finally Cody shot me a text, after what seemed like forever.

Cody -The King- Rhodes: I'm in the lobby. 😀

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