I Bo-Lieve

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"Thanks guys." I muttered and walked away.

I'm pretty sure they were staring at me wide-eyed, but the world may never know.

Bo's match was up next, so I decided to watch it. I changed into some jeans, and a Bo-Lieve In Bo T-shirt, with my all time favorite Black Timberland's.

I sat on the couch, and watched my bestie come out. He is so beautiful, and I fully Bo-Lieve in Bo!

He got in the ring with this malicious look in his eyes, something I never, ever saw before on the face of Bo.

Then, he said some type of rhyme, and I didn't really pay attention until he said "I should have said this a long time ago, because only I can Bo-lieve in Bo!"

What the good-giving hell?

Then, he proceeded to beat the shit out of the new guy. Poor guy. Bo basically broke his spine, and gave him brain damage.

After his match, he came backstage, smiling maniacally.

Too scared to talk to him right then, I sat back on the couch, and watched him walk into his dressing room.

"WHAT THE BLOO'Y HELL?" Paige screamed running into the TV Room, matching my mood and expression.

"Did you just see what Bo did? What the-" I cut her off.

"Bloody hell!" I screamed.

We sat on the couch conversing about Bo's new attitude, and what the hell was going on in his mind. What if he endangers everyone.

Author's POV***

"Okay, so you can talk to him about whatever is going on, because I'm scared he'll try to break my spine!" Paige said brushing off her leather jacket.

"What makes you think he won't try to break my spine?" Mickey asked throwing her hands in the air.

"Oh babe, we all know he's sweet on you! Has been for a long time, but you couldn't see past your Jimmy-Cody fog to see it. Those flowers you got everytime you lost a match? Bo. Those chocolates you got everytime you won a match? Bo. Who slept in the hospital room with you for two weeks, after the crash? Bo." Paige smirked, at Mickey's flushed face.

The flowers, chocolate, tag-teams in NXT, the hugging, hanging out, taking care of me. Bo's got the hots for me? She thought furrowing her brows together.

"We know you were sweet on him at one-point." Paige smirked again.

"What are you talking about P?" Mickey rose her eyebrow.

"Everytime you took your meds, 'Where's Bo? I want Bo! Bo is adorable.' Bo this, Bo that! It was sickening. Then, when he came you were kissing all over his face and neck, and hugging him. Like a real couple." Just then Bo came out of his locker room, and Paige bolted to the cafeteria.

Mickey stood up, and walked over to Bo, who was pretending like he was checking his Twitter, but really looking at her.

She took his phone out of his hands, and put it on a nearby crate. Then, she grabbed the back of his neck, and kissed him. She wanted to see if there were any sparks and there were. For both of them.

When she pulled away Bo asked "What was that for?" She smiled, and he placed his hands on the small of her back.

"One: Cause you need to cool down, and two: Because, I know you have the hots for me, and I have them for you." He leaned his forehead against hers, and she kissed him again.

"I Bo-lieve in you Bo." She said in between kisses.

Down the hall, and halfway around the hall, Jimmy stood watching them in envy, not knowing why though.

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