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We were rushed to the hospital for our injuries.

The only thought swimming through my mind was will they let me have pickles and nutella?

Also, The fuck is wrong with Paige?!

I was so caught up in my thoughts that when they changed me into my gown, the only thing that dazed me was my rib cage.

Six hours, thirty seven minutes, and twenty four seconds later, Aj and I were in our room all bandaged up.

"Mousey, my head hurts." Aj groaned and sniffled.

She had a concussion, two broken ribs, a sprained ankle, and a slightly bruised eye.

"And my ribs hurts." I complained right back.

I had three broken ribs, dislocated shoulder, and a severely bruised back.

Aside from already hurting, the rest of our bodies were sore as fuck.

"Miss Johnson! Miss Mendez! You have some secret admirers!" The nurse yelled, calling Aj by her real last name.

Aj shot me a WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK look, and I shrugged.

"Send 'em in!" I yelled to Jacky, our nurse and new best friend.

Jacky was fun and let me have my pickles. She let Aj have her pringles.

Aaand, she gave us ice cream!

So when the door opened, there was just a lot of flowers, balloons, and arguing.

"Let me through!", "No! Let me through!", "My wife is in there!", "Well, My best friend is in there!", "Look you samoan butt fuck! Move!", "No! You straightedge asshole! Move or I'll kick your ass!"

Then after some loud arguing and grunts, there was a loud smack, that echoed through the room.

After a minute of quiet, Jey came into the room, with flowers and balloons, followed by Punk with the same thing.

Punk had his hand on his cheek and a deep frown.

"Oh my gosh! Baby!" Aj was first to speak, opening her arms for Punk to go in.

He ran into them quickly setting the flowers down.

While they played Romeo and Juliet, sucking each others faces off, Jey and I shared and awkward glance.

We hadn't talked much in the past few weeks.

Just because he didn't like Bo. And Bo didn't like him.

He gave a wave and sat the flowers on the table next to my bed.

Jey sat on the bed next to me.

"Jey....." I said quietly.

"Yes?" Jey said equally as quiet.

"Just hug me already!" I yelled and threw my arms around him.

In a split second, Jey's arms were wrapped tightly around me.

"My ribs! Ow!" Jey loosened his grip, allowing me to relax.

I noticed Aj and Punk leaving.

I mean, Aj was in a wheelchair, and Punk was wheeling her out.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked, pretty alarmed.

"To another room!" Punk said mischievously.

"Oh god. Aj make sure you don't break any ribs!" They just laughed at me and then Aj yelled "No promises!"

So, Jey and I sat in our hugging position for another minute, until he started shaking.

Third Person POV*
"Jey……… are you crying?" Mickey whispered.

"Yes." Jey whimpered.

"Why?!" She asked, pulling away from him.

"I just missed you. That's all." He admitted.

"Well we can make up for lost times. Netflix and chill?" She asked.

"Mick, you do know what Netflix and chill means right?"


"It means... Basically.... Sex." Jey chuckled.

"EW! Nooooo!" She gagged and Jey laughed.

"Let's just Netflix." She chuckled.

Jey nodded and they laid back, watching Home Alone.

After almost five movies, there was a knock on the door.

"COME IN!" Mickey shouted.

Jimmy came in the door, some flowers in hand.

"And this is the part where I leave." Jey grunted and stood, he kissed Mickey's head, earning a glare from Jimmy.

Once Jey was out, Mickey glanced at Jimmy, then patted the side of her bed.

"Come sit Jimmy." Jimmy obeyed and sat next to her, he grabbed her hand.

"I'm sorry Mickey. I'm so sorry. Please please please. Forgive me!" He pleaded, holding her hand to his chest.

Mickey gave him a heart warming smile.

"They say the way to heal is to forgive and forget. So I forgive you Jimmy. For all the days you cheated on me. And the whole year, that you didn't bother to pick up a phone and ask about your daughter. I forgive you." She finished.

Jimmy was dumbfounded, she told him about himself right to his face.

"And I need to apologize." She added.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I've never seen Bo naked." Jimmy burst out laughing and patted her arm.

They talked for a while more, and then visiting hours were over.

"Bye Jimbo!" She waved.

"Bye Mickey Mouse!" He waved back.

When Jimmy left, there was a loud commotion in the hallway, and the sound of yelling.



That sane woman came barreling into Mickey's room.

She held pink roses, and had long hair. She was wearing brown cargo pants, a navy blue 'Vets' T-shirt, and black Jordan's.

On her head was a black hat, hiding her face.

"Who are you?" Mickey asked.

The girl removed her hat, and Mickey gasped.

"Micks. You've gotta remember your younger sister." She gave her a lopsided smile.

Mickey sniffled. "Skyy...... I thought you were dead."

Skyy shook her head. "Nah sis. I'm very much alive."

The Samoan Queen [Sequel To My Samoan King] ~DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now