Your Problem!

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Jimmy walked up to Mickey, and breathed his stanky breath in her face, everyone looking back at them. She stood tall, so not afraid of him, looked him dead in the face, which was red, and slightly bruising.


Finn had just come out, and stepped to Jimmy, ready to fight. Mickey pulled Finn's arm, making him back away.

"Look who's here to talk! The man who cheated on his girlfriend, who I might add, loved him faithfully, and didn't cheat on him with his worst enemy, and ex boyfriend. As if your one to talk Jimmy! So, take it down, [She made a clicking sound with her mouth] about, one hundred notches, back up, and get your stanky ass breath out of my, good lookin face!" She pushed his chest, and he grabbed her arm forcefully.

Finn, and Dean both grabbed Jimmy by his throat, shoving him into a nearby table. He fell with a loud bang! Mickey looked at Jimmy, then her friends, and began to laugh, them all joining in a few moments later.

Naomi saw the laughing heep, and went over to inspect, were she saw her husband, laid out on the floor, under a broken table. She ran to his aid holding his hands.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in. It's a weaved up, burnt out version, of a barbie doll! Oh golly! Can I take her home Paige? I mean Jimmy did, and she knew he had a girlfriend, so I can take her right?" Mickey asked pretending to be a little girl.

"SHUT UP MICKEY! Nobody did nothing to you. Now you attacking Jimmy for what reason? Cause your a real bitch! That's why!" Naomi shouted.

Mickey grabbed Naomi's hair pulling her up. She shoved her into a wall, and grabbed her throat choking her slightly.

"I'm the bitch? I'm the bitch? Last I checked, I wasn't the one who started whoring around, when Jimmy left me. I didn't steal another woman's boyfriend, or baby daddy. I didn't marry someone who I knew just impregnated another woman. So if I'm a bitch, then your a slut. But, I won't waste my time on trash like you, because I know that I'm on fleek, and your on flek!" She screamed tightening her grip.

Paige grabbed Mickey's waist and pulled her away, leaving Naomi choking on the floor. Mickey took out her ponytail, throwing the scrunchy at them.

She walked away, pissed that Naomi called her a bitch, and Jimmy had the nerve to approach her like that.

She bumped into a large figure, and fell on the ground. The figure held out their hand, and she grabbed it standing up.

"Thanks- Jey?" She asked looking into his eyes. They were filled with tears, and hers were too.

He pulled her into a tight, and close hug, making sure she could feel the love he had for her.

"Damn girl! You come back fighting like never before! Damn! Mick, I missed you so much! Where you been? Never Mind that. Wanna hang later, and catch up?' Jey asked speaking quickly.

She nodded her head, and hugged him again, smiling at the smell of his axe cologne, that she loved.

He walked past her, pinching her cheeks, and smiling.

Mickey continued to venture down the arena hallway, which didn't hold many people. Just crew workers.

"HOW YOU DOIN?" She heard, and then was lifted seven feet into the air, with two other people hugging her legs.

She saw the one, the only, Certified G's, and the Fabulous Mella.

"Dammit! You gave me a heart attack Colin." She said once he put her down, and she was swarmed in hugs.

"My name is Mickey Coleman! I am a slaying queen, and a geek goddess, and you can't teach that! This right here is Carmella, she's the princess of Staten Island, and she's fabulous. You can't teach that! Over there is Enzo Amore, he's a Certified G, and a bone afied stud, and you can't teach that! This big guy right here is Colin Cassady. He's a sweet heart, and seven foot tall. You can't teach that! Badda Boom! Realest group in the room! How you doin?" She said out of breath.

They all started talking at the same time, and yelling at each other who would hang out with her first, so she quickly, and quietly slipped away, sending a text to Carmella.

The Fabulous Mella: Hey Mel! I kinda, sorta, accidently, on purpose, ran away from you guys. See ya later! Badda Boom, realest chicks in the room! Piece out! Love you!

One minute later from down the hall she heard all of them groan, and then laugh. She laughed too.

On her way though the hallway, she bumped into even more superstars, and some of her old enemies even hugged her, including Maxine, which was peculiar.

When she was at the end of the hallway, she bumped into another figure, this one grabbing her waist, making sure she didn't fall.

"Mickey......... You don't know how much I have missed you." He said looking into her eyes.

The Samoan Queen [Sequel To My Samoan King] ~DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now