It Feels So Right

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Two Weeks Later.

"I'm just saying Bo, why her?" Curt asked Bo, who was wetting his hair. Bo got up, grabbed Curt by his neck, and slammed him against the wall.

"Don't ever ask me that question! That woman, waiting for me out there is my entire world! So, if you ever utter a single bad word about her, I will rip you to pieces!" He let go, and walked out.

Mickey was looking at her phone, with her back to the door.

Bo grabbed her from behind, and spun her around.

"Ready Teddy?" Mickey asked Bo, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Yeah! I'm gonna kill Jimmy, and punch his teeth down his throat!" Bo growled.

Mickey grew uneasy as he said that. Deep down she still had real feelings for Jimmy, and if he ever got hurt she wouldn't know what to do.

She nodded her head, and walked towards the gorilla.

Her theme played, and she and Bo walked out hand in hand.

Bo had his 'Bo-Lieve in Bo sign, and Mickey had on a backwards Joker hat. She had on a 'Bo-Lieve in Bo' shirt, jean shorts, and a new pair of Jordans. [That Enzo made her buy!]

They strutted down the ramp, and got into the ring. It was another intergender match, so they could fight each other.

First, Bo got in the ring with Jimmy, and the match started. He started dominating Jimmy right away, throwing left and rights the whole time.

Mickey had to tag herself in after fifteen minutes of watching Jimmy getting completely beat on. Bo glared at her and yelled things, that she was happy she couldn't hear.

Jimmy was laid on the floor, so Mickey dragged his body over to Naomi, and used his hand to drag her in.

They immediately locked up, and started tearing at each others hair. They pushed each other and Mickey tackled Naomi, punching and clawing at her face.

Then, Naomi turned the tables and started punching and clawing at Mickey's. They continued fighting like this for five minutes, until Naomi pulled Mickey up, and did a tilt-a-whirl neckbreaker on Mickey.

Mickey laid on the ground in pain. Bo laughed, and yelled "This is what you get." Naomi walked over to Bo, and slapped him in his face.

Bo's eye twitched and he grabbed Naomi's hair, and slammed her into the ring post, causing disqualification, since he wasn't tagged in.

Mickey sat up, holding her neck, and screamed at Bo, who was holding up his sign outside of the ring.

Naomi was laying slumped against the ring post, and Mickey was in the middle of the ring, slamming her hands on the mat.

Jimmy patted her shoulder, and she turned around. He kissed Mickey on the lips, and she went to push him, but her hand stayed on his chest, as she kissed him back.

No! This is wrong! Mickey's subconscious told her to continue, but her brain made her stop. She pushed him away, and wiped her mouth.

Jimmy didn't have a smirk on his face or anything. His face read regret, and sadness, but Mickey didn't buy it.

So, she slapped him. Once for cheating on her. Once for not calling her. Once for blaming the death of the baby on her. Once for breaking her heart. Once for all the hurt he caused, and one more time for making her fall in love with him all over again, with just one little kiss.

She didn't know what else to slap him for, so she left the ring.

Mickey's POV

Jimmy kissed me, and it felt wonderful. Something told me to continue, but I knew better and pulled away.

I slapped him six times for all the hurt he caused me.

When I rolled out of the ring, Bo had a crazy look on his face, that I had no time for. I walked past him, and up the ramp, trying to get my thoughts together.

Finally, inside my locker room I took a hot shower. Got dressed in my Jersey sweats, and went to the rental car. Bo, and I drove separate because, his stupid Bo-Lieve sign was taking up space. That bum.

When, I got back to the hotel, Cody was waiting for me at the entrance. I grabbed my bags and met up with him.

"Hey Code-Breaker." I said and bumped his shoulder. Cody was fired from WWE last week, so now he's trying out for TNA.

"Mickey Mouse! Let me get those bags for you." He took my bags, and followed me to the hotel room I share with Bo.

As usual his side of the room was messy, and mine was spotless. He always made a mess looking for his things, when all he had to do is ask, because I clean everything up, and know where it is.

Cody looked around the room in disdain, and set my bags on the clean side. He sat on my bed and laid back on the bed, kicking off his shoes.

"Cody, dearest. Pick up your shoes and sit them nicely. I can't have the one clean side of this room have any mistakes, because I will not have my room looking like a rusted, busted, trap house!" I screamed throwing Bo's pants down.

I laid down next to Cody, and straddled his lap. He put his hands on my hips, and sat up.

"Mickey, I don't get it. If he doesn't make you happy, then why are you with him? Come back to me. We can fix what we had. I know I can treat you better than he can." Cody rested his head on my chest, and I stroked his hair.

"Because, he's not used to this just yet. Give him some time." The door opened and closed loudly, so I quickly jumped off of Cody, to greet Bo.

I went to hug him, but he moved out of the way, and walked straight into the bathroom. "So much for love and affection." Cody muttered, and got his things.

He definitely doesn't like Bo, and that's for sure.

Anywhore, Cody kissed my cheek, and left.

Sitting down I texted Aj.

Me, her, and Paige created a team, called Freaks and Geeks. All of us being Freaks, but only two [Aj and I], being the geeks.

Who woulda thought that in only three weeks time my world would come crashing down like the Twin Towers? Certainly not me, but a very unloyal person did, and they were planning the worst.

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