Love Hurts

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"We all saw you doing the two tongue tango with Rhodes out there! It just confirms that Mickody is back together!" Bayley laughed.

I groaned at her, and the other girls laughed chanting Mickody, over, and over again.

"Please stop the torture! I can't stand it any longer! Please, please, please!" I got on my knee dramatically, and bowed down to them, asking for them to stop.

"Soo, aside from that..... How's Finn. I heard you guys had a blow up, and I wanted to see if your okay. If you are alright, does that mean your still gonna be rooming with him?" Bayley asked, hope glinting in her brown eyes.

"I think Finn's fine by now. I'm fine, thanks for worrying about me, and no. I will not be rooming with him anymore. You either Paige. The people who still doubt me, because of the incident, don't deserve me. April doesn't judge me. Jey doesn't judge me. Enzo, Cass, and Mella don't judge me. Bay doesn't judge me. It's only you guys. I know you want to protect me, but I'm a grown woman, and I can take care of myself." I stated firmly, and glared at Paige, who had a guilty look on her face.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want to lose you. I love you Mickey, your my best friend." Paige cried, a big black tear rolling down her cheek, leaving streaks.

"I'm still not rooming with you. Things get weird when I hear you and Dean fucking each other in the  other room." I said hugging Paige, and she laughed.

"Now, I have to go see the Fabulous Mella, and my Certified G's." I opened the door, and walked out in my ring gear.

I started to walk, but stopped when I saw Jimmy, and Naomi making out on a nearby crate. He was standing in between her legs, his hands on her waist, her hands around his neck,and she had her legs wrapped around his waist.

Most people think I would either walk away, or break them up, but instead my eyes filled with tears, and I ran the other way, into a random room.

"Hey Mickey! What are you doing in here? Do you need a hug?" My friend Bo Dallas asked, holding his 'Bo-lieve In Bo' sign.

I jumped into his arms, and sobbed into his chest, and he patted my back.

"Hey, just Bo-lieve that you'll be okay. Bo-Lieve in yourself Mickey, and you will go far. You are a sweet, amazing star!" He rhymed, making me laugh.

"Bo, I'm so sorry for busting in here. You could have been naked, which you are..... okay. This just got weird." Bo only had a towel covering his waist.

"Well, it would have been weirder if you realized it when you were hugging me. Then, things would be suuupeerrr weird! HAHAHAHAHA!" Bo laughed like a maniac, and I laughed slightly.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna go....Bo! Uhm.... I Bo-lieve in you Bo!" I yelled walking out, and laughing.

Jimmy was standing in front of Bo's door with a giant, and sexy smirk plastered on his face. Wait..... sexy..... no, not sexy, annoying.

I walked past him, and he followed me. At first I thought it was a coincident, but I should have knew better. He followed me all the way to the gorilla where my theme was supposed to play soon.

"Are you gonna keep stalking me, you creep?"

"I'm not stalking. I'm just..... what's that word..... observing!"

"No, it's called stalking when you follow someone around for no apparent reason, except for being a pompous, arrogant, little ass (-Big Show, never get's old.)!"

He laughed, and gave me a serious expression, but I knew under it he was laughing.

"I saw you and Cody earlier." He referred to my kiss with Cody, and I blushed slightly.

"And your point is..............................................................................................." I dragged on, waiting for him to get to the point.

"Then I saw you coming out of Bo's locker room." He raised his eyebrows.

"Look! I don't have time for games! Can you get to the point, and stop wasting my time?" I asked, obviously irritated.

"Just because we are over, it doesn't mean you have to be a ho!" When the words shot out of his mouth, my heart shattered, came back to life, then shattered again.

I started hyperventilating, then I started to laugh, then I stopped laughing and made a crazy face, then I back-handed the shit out of his mouth, and I could see his lip start bleeding.

I walked away, because my theme played, and I did my new entrance.

My match was against Maxine, and she came out looking very frightened.

When she got in the ring, I shook her hand, and she gave me a hug, which I turned into a suplex. I was not playing around.

I wanted to finish early, so I hit her with the GTS, and then Locked in the Black Widow. She tapped, but I held on for a little longer, and then let go.

I slid out of the ring, and walked backstage, greeted by an angry Naomi. The little bitch told his wife. Pussy.

"Look you skank, move ya ass. before the fabulous one kicks the shit outta ya ass" Carmella's voice ran from the side of me.

"Yeah, and tell ya little pussy husband to come talk to us. We'll show him where cheating gets ya!" Enzo exclaimed.

Naomi quickly scampered away, and I hugged my friends. What would I do without them>

The Samoan Queen [Sequel To My Samoan King] ~DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now