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*Mickey's POV*

"Mickey I can't do this anymore. I really can't." Skyy cried, holding onto to me tightly.

"Come on Skyy, please don't leave me here. Alone." I whispered.

"Look. Everything's so fuzzy...." She muttered, closing her eyes.

"Mom! Dad! Skyy slit her wrists! We have to get her to the hospital!" I yelled, picking up her limp body.

My parents of course, were too high or drunk to even acknowledge​ us.

So I went next door, and with the help of our neighbors, got Skyy to the hospital.

Skyy came over and smothered me in hugs and kisses.

"I've missed you Bap." She whispered, hugging me tight.

"I've missed you so much more. They told me you were dead! God! I'm so happy to see you." I mumbled, holding her really close.

It had been at least thirteen years since I had last seen her.

She was 14, and I was 17.

Everything from back then was so vague until today.

"I thought you slit your wrists!" I said, wiping my face. "And died."

The memories were horrible.

Blood was all over my green shirt, from where I was holding Skyy.

They wouldn't let me go in and see her and I couldn't understand why.

Having slit her wrists many times before, there was a 10% chance she would live.

The doctor soon came out, with a sour look on his face. "I'm sorry young lady
But.... Your sister didn't make it."

A part of me died that day, but then she came back and it's alive.

"How did you survive?!" I asked, releasing her hesitantly.

She sat next to me and said "I told the doctor to tell you I was dead. And to not let me go. And he asked why, and I told him about the abuse."

This all made so much more sense.

"Corey's alive too!" Skyy said nonchalantly.

I looked at her face to see if she was lying and her eyes said it all.

"You mean for fucking real, that Corey is alive?" I asked her, only to receive a nod in response.

My heart began to beat loudly. I was so excited.

Corey was my favorite older brother.

I had five brothers, and out of all of them, he was the nicest.

The heartbreak for him came when one morning we woke up only to find him gone.

He didn't even leave a note.

He just left, and we all thought he was dead.

"Yeah. When you get out of here, he's gonna visit. Are you still gonna be traveling on the road?" She asked.

I nodded. "I don't wanna leave my friends. And I have someone to talk to."

Skyy tensed. "Is it that Paige girl? I swear I'm going to kick her ass."

"No!" I said grabbing her arm. "I'm fine Skyy. And I'm going to talk to Dean. I wanna know if he knew about Paige doing this."

"Miss you have to leave!" The security guard yelled.

"Go fuck yourself!" Skyy replied, giving him the middle finger.

I but my lip ad grabbed her shoulder. "Maybe you should go now. Come visit tomorrow. Okay?"

She nodded and hugged me one last time. "I love you!"

"Love you too." I said, and watched as she walked away.

I can't believe she grew up so much.

And she's got a great body too!

I guess it runs in the family though....

I know. I know. I haven't updated in years. But what did you all think? Skyy is portrayed by fashionista2014

The Samoan Queen [Sequel To My Samoan King] ~DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now