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(Baileys pov)
Hey guys this is my first story hope you enjoy! Also Bailey is 16, Kenneth is 18, boogie is 17, Sean is 18,Tati is 17, Gabe is 18, Will and Josh are 18.

B: oh no it's the first day of school I am not looking foreword to the stupid f***boys this year I hear there are about 5 of them this is going to be a great year(not).
BM: hunny time to get up you have to go to school hurry or your going to be late. Also breakfast is ready come down when your ready.
B:ok mom I'm almost ready I just need to get my clothes on and I will be right there.
BM: ok hunny.
(Skip to school)
(Kenneths pov at school)
K: I can't wait for this year it's going to be a lot of fun if you know what I mean?!
G: yeah I with ken on this one I think this is going to be a good year.
S: guys that's enough with"this year."We are here so let's get the girls.
(Everyone ex Sean): YASSSSS!
G: ok guys lets get to class.(they all have to same classes.)
(Baileys pov at school)
B: I am so lost this school is huge! (Oh wait their are to girls maybe I should ask them for help) um hello Can I ask you guys something?
T: um sure but first what's your name my name is Tatiana, and this is malia/ boogie.
B: um well my name is Bailey.
T: nice name oh and what were you going to ask?
B: well I was going to ask if you knew where the offices was I'm new and this school is huge and I don't know where I am right now.
T: oh ok yeah um follow us.
B: thanks.
T: your welcome!
Bo: oh sorry I wasn't talking I was texting my friend Kaycee! She's really nice I miss her.
B: why do you miss her?
Bo: oh because she moved to a different school because her dad had got a Job there.
B: oh should we go to class now?
T: yeah
B: ok let's go!
( Kenneth's pov in class)
K: ( we were just sitting in class bored until this gorgeous girl came in and everyone was staring at her and her friends she had short hair with highlights and she was wear a shirt that was light purple that said girl power and some black leggings and black nikes on. She came over and sat next the Sean because those were the only seats available.
S: hello my name is Sean and yours?
B: um why should I tell you your just a f***boy that will try to get with me!
S: oh wow you just moved here and you already know me wow girl you got powers that I wish I could have.
B: shut up and I'm sorry I just can't stand f***boys oh and my name is Bailey nice to meet you.
S: you too. So how do you like thi..
(Sean's pov)
S:( before I could finish my sentence the teacher came in and interrupted my convo with Bailey)
B: we can talk later(she whispered)
S: ok( I whisper back) she then smiles and looks at the teacher.
T(teacher): ok class today is the first day of school and we have a new student pls stand Bailey and tell us about yourself.
B: um ok I like to dance and sing and golf and I love eating and sleeping.(everyone laughs)
T: thank you Bailey have a seat and we will get started.
(Skip to lunch Kenneth's pov)
K:( I was walking to lunch when I see Bailey and Sean sitting with Gabe and Tati and boogie so I go and say hi because I haven't meet bailey before)
K: hey guys who's this?
S: oh this is Bailey she's new here.
B: hello what's your name?
K: my name is Kenneth but you can call me ken.
B: ok?
K: so how do you like it here so far?
B: um it's nice I guess jut really big.
K: yeah ok well I will see you guys later I'm going to hang with my girlfriend soni bye.
(Everyone ex Kenneth): bye!
(Baileys pov)
B: ( he's kinda cute but he has a girlfriend and I kinda like Sean)
S: earth to Bailey!
B: yeah sorry I was thinking about you coming over to my house all of you so I can get to know you better.
S,G,T,BO: yeah sure!
B: ok great but invite kenneth I want to get to know him to.
(Skip to after school at baileys)
(Kenneth's pov)
K: (me and Sean and Gabe are on are way to baileys house.) so Sean you seem to be getting close with Bailey.
S: yeah I really like her I think I'm going to ask her out tonight or tomorrow or whenever feels right.
S: why?
K: because I just thought you might of needed to get that out of your system.
S: or did you want me to tell you because you like her to and you wanted me to tell you stuff about her becsuse you want her to like you?
K: what no that's crazy I have Soni.
S: yeah ok but when I ask her out you better not get mad if she says yes got me!
K: yeah I guess.
S:ok well let knock on the door.
(Knocks on the door and Bailey answers)
B: hello? Oh hey guys come in!
K: ok thanks. Oh and Bailey can I talk to you outside for a min or two pls.
B: yeah I guess. You guys can go in and hang with the girls.
S,G,J,W: ok thanks!
(Bailey and Ken stayed outside until the boys went in and ken was going to ask Bailey a few questions.)
K: so Bailey um I just want to talk to you alone because I know Sean will interrupted are convo so I want to get to know you a little before they do if that's ok with you?
B: yeah I guess what do you want to know?
K: well I want to know your life story.
B: ok well I lived in Korea all my life until my dad got a job here so we moved here and today was the first day of school I made friends and that's pretty much it.
K: tell me the little things.
B: well I like to dance and sing and act and golf and I don't have a boyfriend also I have two sisters one named Britney and the other Kylie and that's all.
K: oh well thanks but I wanted to know if you liked Sean or any boy in the squad?
B: yeah I do but one has a girlfriend so that's off the list and yes I kinda do like Sean is that all?
K: yeah we can go in now( head is down).
B: ok.. Wait way are you upset?
K: oh is nothing.
B: ok.
( walk in the door)
(Sean's pov)
S: hey guy what took so long?(were they making out)
B: oh ken just asked me questions about life.
T: ok let's play a game I vote spin the bottle!
S,b,k,w,g,bo,j: yeah sounds fun!
T: ok I vote Bailey to go first here's the bottle Bailey!
B: ok thanks( the bottle was spinning and it lands on
Sean yeah this can be that bad) ok fine but not go a long time ok!
S: ok let's do this hahhaha( ok me and Bailey lean in and I feel her soft lips on mine and OML I was in heaven than we let go and all my thoughts were gone) ok mine turn!( spins the bottle and it lands on Gabe) nooooooooooooo!
G: come on let's get this done and over with(me and Sean lean in and peak each other's lips) ok we are done with this game and wow Sean you kiss bad I feel bad for Bailey!
S: no I don't now stop!
G: ok chill
B: guys I think we should go to bed.
K: yeah what are the sleeping arrangements?
( it goes k,b,s,t,g,w,j)
B: sound good or do I need to change it?
K: it's good ok let's go to bed!
(We all walk up stair and change into pajamas and lay down Bailey was facing my way and ken was facing her way and I was face her way too she was so beautiful I can.. Before I could finish my sentence Bailey turns to kens side and my stomach hurt so bad I felt abandoned why Bailey why but ken was sleeping so that's good)
B: hey Sean would you like to sleep with me on my bed and not these I'm not comfortable pls?
S: sure but why didn't you ask Ken
B: he has a girlfriend.
S: ok I guess let's go( we got in baileys room she shut the door and came to the bed because we were tired first off she turned to my way and I did the same
and we were staring at each other until she can closer and I felt her lips on mine she makes everything better when she does that OML I'm in heaven again....until she breaks the kiss and falls asleep and I did the same)
(Next morning kens pov)
K: good morning Bailey I made breakfast for everyone but there still sleeping so I decided to wait do you want some?
B: yeah sure um thanks oh and Sean will be right down he had to get some clothes.

What will happen next? Ok guys hope you enjoyed this I'm not done with it bye I will catch you next time bye✌️😊

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