Its a....?

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                           (Gabes pov)

D: you will be having a.......boy!
B: omg I'm so happy!!
G: hey babe what will we name him?
B: how about Nolan?
G: sounds wonderful!
B: oh Gabe(gives him a kiss)
G: ( kisses her back)I love you Bailey drew sok!
B: I love you to!

                        (Third persons pov)

So it's been about 2years since Bailey had her baby"Nolan" Gabe and her have been the happiest couple and more to come! Sean on the other hand has been single has been hooking up with other girls every week been going to parties and just being his high school self "his bad side." Tati on the other side of the stick has been with will, has had a baby boy his name is" Grayson" also Tati and Bailey got married on the same day to there loves! Bailey and Tati live in a big house together with Gabe and will it just a happy life they are living! Kenneth is divorced with soni because soni cheated on him, he was so upset that he thought he'd hang around Sean, so they are both back to their high school selves! So back to the story!
                             ( baileys pov)

B: babe can you get Nolan dressed please?, he is going to go see my mom so me, you , Tati, and will can go on our double date!
G: alright honey!
B: thank you, I'll be in the car make sure you look decent!
G: got it! Come on will the women are waiting!
W: alight Hang on I'm getting Grayson dressed!
G: yeah I'm getting Nolan dressed!
B,T: hurry we don't want to be late!
G,W: alright we're ready letz go!
                          (Sean's pov)

S: hey Kenneth do you want to go out to eat for dinner and just in a friend way to talk about life!
K: sure!
S: ok letz go!
K: ok!
S: ( so we got to the restaurant and guess who we saw yeah you know) hey guys what are you doing here?
B: oh hi Sean long time no see hahha uhhh were having a double date?!
S: oh how nice Bailey can I talk to you?
B: sure!
S: ok( they go find some where private!) so Bailey I have wanted to do the for so long.......?

Guys sorry I haven't updated in a while! My sisters birthday was yesterday and mine is tomorrow I'm excited but I promise I will update a lot this week cause I have two days off school so always catch ya next time bye!

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