Im so so so so sorry please forgive me?

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                          (Sean's pov)

S: wait baileys coming.......? Now I can finally say sorry for my stupid choices!
T: yeah you better say sorry you cost me my best friend!
S: ik do you know when she is going to be here?
T: yes tonight at 6:30 I have to pick her up from the airport!
S: great can I come!
T: are you sure?
S: yes now let's go it's 4:50 and the airport is an hour away.
T: alrighty then letz go! I wait!
                  (Baileys pov)

B: ( so right now it's 5:40 and I just got of my plane I know it landed early so now I'm waiting for Tati an....oh wait there she is!.......wait who is th....omg is that Sean oh boi!) Tati hi! (I'm just going to ignore him and fake not know him)!
T: Bailey!
S: hi Bailey!
B: Tati who is that!
T: uhhh you don't remember Sean?
B: no the only Sean I know is spelled differently and is famous!
S: well....ok!
B: hahaha I'm just kidding.....but really I literally glad I left I'm sorry Tati but it's true I mean I misssed you so much but I was so hurt that everything Sean said was just a lie and you know what it felt like, well it felt like a game!
S: Bailey I'm so sorry I really am!
B: well anyway that was the past and I forgive you but I'm not going out with you until You can earn my trust and I can earn yours and face it I'm going out with Gabe and I'm really glad of that because I love him and I have been talking to him a lot and getting to know him and that stuff!
T: ok well let's go!
B: sounds good!
G: Bailey I came to get yo......what are you guys doing here?
T: we came to get bailey!
B: hey tats um I'm going to go with Gabe we can meet up at 7:30 and get froyo!
T: sounds good bye!
B: bye!
                     (Gabes pov)

G: so Bailey how have you been?
B: great! And you?
G: well it's been great now that we've been talking!
B: definitely!
G: so do you want to live with me in my apartment or do you want to live in one alone?
B: with you would be nice cause then I would get to see you everyday!
G: ok and same goes to you babe!
B: hey Gabe you know I love you right!
G: yes and I love you too and Bailey we are here!
B: ok(gets out of the car and goes inside to find rose petals and candles lit and cute DIYs) omg (she turns around to see Gabe on the floor one knee on the floor and saying this)
G: Bailey I have known you for so long and I have changed for you and for my own health and I just want to spend the rest of my life with you BAILEY DREW SOK WILL YOU MAKE ME THE HAPPIEST MAN AND MARRY ME?

What will happen next always catch ya next time bye!

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