how it starts...

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Great, soon I'll be known as the new girl. Perfect! well I guess I should introduce myself...

My name is Elaine Jade Steel. I have a twin sister Selene June Steel. We were both adopted, and live in Florida. Right now we are getting ready for school, but not just any school. We're going to Hogwarts!

Selene went to Hogwarts her first year, but I didn't... I went to two different schools, and got expelled from both my first year, those were Durmstrang Institute (in Russia) and Beauxbatons Academy (in France). Both were extremely lame.

She and I are so much alike, yet so different at the same time, it's weird. We both have mid-back length blonde hair, and some freckles on our nose, but she has bright sparkling blue eyes, kinda like crystals, while I have bright green eyes with blue in them.
We are 5' 2" and crazy, we love getting into trouble and always have each other's back. Now there's only one main difference between myself and my sister....

For one thing I can change lots about myself (my voice, hair, eyes, etc.)...I'm an animagus/Metamorphmagus

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