Chapter 4: Finally Hogwarts!!!

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As soon as i snaped back into reality, i yelled "ive got it". scaring the crap out of Draco, and Selene. "what are you talking about?".... oops "well Selene , i know where ive seen that prissy Pansy before. she must have recognized me from Diagon Alley. cause i beat her in a singing contest last year. i ran into her and she gave me the same glare as when she was in here earlier.". "nice going EJ, if you have Pansy on your bad side, you have to look out" i smaked dracos arm. "excuse me!? Im sure ill teach her not to mess with anyone". with that we got off the train and started heading for the school. but guess what doesnt surprise me, wishing 3 minutes my sister disappeard and im alone."Hello, you look lost" i turned around to see a giant man..."you must be Hagrid, im Elaine, my sister told me about you, and yes i am lost, can you help me?" he gave a booming laugh"of course i can" we walked in silence until we got to the great hall, which i was late to. "Well you just stand in line untill they call your name, i see you didnt change into your robes, eh you'll be fine". i waited and waited, and finally when they called my name "Elaine steel" i stumbled alittle and walked up in my black skinny jeans and Pink Floyd hoodie with black converes to the sorting hat. "Miss Steel you are late, and not in your robes, why is that?", this must be Professor McGonagall..... "um sorry i got lost, and no one told me i had to wear the robes"..... akward....."just have a seat" i sat down and the hat was placed on my head. hmmmmm this is difficult, it seems you have a little of everything, you are kind like Hufflepuff, smart like Ravenclaw, brave like Gryffindor, and cunning like Slytherin. only question that remains is where to put you..... "please put me somewhere i can make a difference and make my own path"........ well then..... GRYFFINDOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the hat yelled and the gryffindor table cheered. i walked over and sat next to some red head twins. "HI im Fred" "and im George" (together) "and we're the Weasly twins" :) awwww their soo adorible and awesome. "hey guys im Elaine steel".... the girl across from me stared at me and said "do you happen to have a sister, named Selene?"..... we look exactly alike, but I still said "yes i do, shes my twin" i wink at the twins. "oh well thats cool, im Hermione Granger, this is Ronald Weasly, and that's Harry Potter", the red head boy said shyly " Please call me Ron, and if youre wondering yes fred and george are my brothers".... i think i like these people. "wait did you say Harry Potter?" "yes i did, why?". i ignored her, and called his name, he turned around "yes? hello do i know you?" he had this look in his eye that said he liked something. "um no you dont, but i do know that i have your wands brother wand" i smiled with pride, untill he smashed my words with his "thats not possible the only one who has the brother wand is lord Voldemort. how did you get it?" he demanded. "excuse me but there just so happens to be a third wand, and you could be a little more polite, instead of being an ass." with that i got up and left.

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