Chapter 7 Keefe's POV

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Oh my. I'm not feeling so well, like on the verge of spewing chunks. See, if I'm right, which, of course I am, Fitz loves Sophie too, and what better way of making her fall for him, then kissing her because he doesn't want to answer the question. Even if the question is 'what is your favorite color', and I can tell Sophie doesn't want anyone kissing her, because why ask such a basic question?

"Keefe are you okay?" Sophie asks worriedly.

I can't respond. I wheel myself outside and, "Blah! *Cough, cough, choke* Blah!" I spew my guts everywhere.

Sophie is next to me, rubbing small circles on my back. After three more rounds of retching, I'm done. Sophie has a rag, and she wipes my mouth.

"I'm-I'm so sorry! Um, let me help--"

"Keefe, I'm taking you home, end of question. I guess we'll have to regroup some other time with everybody," Sophie says.

"I can leap myself back, honestly, you hang out with them," I nod my head back towards Fitz, Biana, Dex, Tam, and Lihn.

"Keefe, first you need to recover, then we can talk about other stuff. I'll be right back, and if I find out you're gone, I won't be talking to you for a month!" She calls over her shoulder with a smile. Her threat doesn't do much, cause this is Foster, she has more important things to worry about, so I could leave, but I won't.

Soon I see all of them, exiting out the door. Fitz looks angry and depressed, Tam looks, well like Tam, annoyed. The girls and Dex don't seem to care, Biana says 'Feel better', and then they're all gone.

"Okay, so how about we get you home!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean--"

"I would hope so!" Sophie laughs.

I end up laughing too.

"Hey, do you know what's up with you and Fitz? Cause I notice that you guys don't talk that much, and the other day Fitz was glaring at you! Also, why was Fitz so angry about having to go?" Sophie asks.

"Um, Fitz is just Fitz. I honestly don't know, I bet it has something to do with the three of us, but I can't tell you my theory because I was sworn to secrecy!" I say, hoping she'd catch on.

"Fitz likes me?" She says in alarm.

"Is that a problem?" I stifle a laugh.

"Kind of, like how are we supposed to be cognates?" She asks.

"Well, when you get older, if you still don't like a charming blonde with a smirk," I say that happily, "You can marry him!" I say in a fake despised voice.

Sophie laughs, "Well thank God I'm still to young to get married!"

"You and me both!" We laugh at that, and then I'm inside my house.

"Bye!" Sophie says.

"Adios!" I call as the door shuts.


"Fitz! Wait up!" I yell, rolling over, I run over a few kid's toes, "Sorry," I mumble to them with a small smile.

Soon I catch up. "Hey, sorry for--" 

"Keefe you aren't sorry! You're happy because Sophie hasn't realized she likes me! You barfed on purpose in order to interrupt the game!" Fitz shouts.

"I barfed six times afterwards! Just ask my dad! And if you haven't noticed, I am actually sick right now! But you never gave me the chance to explain!"

"Excuses," Fitz mumbles. I'm so fed up with this, I lift up my shirt.

"Look Fitz!" I say angrily. He hesitated before looking at my stomach. You can see every defined rib bone, my stomach sinks below it. I look like I've been hungry for weeks. I put it back down before Foster can see it. Fitz looks like a ghost.

"My stomach can't hold anything down! I just retch it back up! So yeah, of course I'm just faking it!" I roll away. Elwin is trying to ask the council if he can get more blossoms, but they're still angry he just grabbed one without permission. So, now I haven't had any progress, I should be out of the wheelchair by tomorrow.

I know Fitz is behind me.

"Keefe I'm so sorry--"

"Fitz, it's okay. Try it," I say.

"What?" He asks alarmed.

"Go for it, if you like her, tell her. As long as she's happy, life will go on, now go!" I do the shoo hand motion. I know that whatever happens I'll always love her, but as long as she loves me in some form or way, I'm good.

Fitz walks away, thinking. I guess I'm happy for him, at least he can be sure of something today, I'm not trying to sabotage him.


"Hey Foster!" I smile as I sit down at the table. I already retched my breakfast second period.

"Keefe, do you need blossoms?" Sophie asks.

I'm speechless. Then I realized Fitz must've told her.

It's to late to lie, "You!" I scold.

"What, I had to tell her! She's the one with the tree!" Fitz defends.

"No, you chose to, which makes everything worse," I whisper shout.

"You know we can here you right?" Tam says.

"Shut up!" Fitz and I say at the same time.

"Keefe, here!" Sophie hands me a blossom the size of her palm.

"Sophie! Elwin got in trouble for giving me an 'illegal blossom'! You always have to ask the council first!" My eyes are wide in alarm.

"Even if it's in your backyard?" She questions.

"Especially if it's in your backyard!"

"They'll never know!"

"Yeah, they will! How else would they know Elwin gave me one!"

"Um, someone told them?"

"No! They have a camera!"

"Then how come Dex and Biana didn't get in trouble?"

"Because that was an emergency! Elwin got another one, which is how my arms and legs got stronger!"

"And he got caught," Sophie trails off.

"Yes! Now you're going to get in tr--" Sophie shoves the blossom in my mouth, and makes me chew, it tastes like starkflower stew. I try not to moan, because I haven't eaten anything that would stay down for the past couple of days. "You shouldn't have done that!" I scold.

"Life or death situation, Fitz showed me a slightly blurry image of your body in telepathy, which I hailed councilor Terik about. He gasped and got Edaline to conjour it into my pocket for you," Sophie shrugs.

"Now, I'll be taking you to my office," Elwin said behind me.

I flinched, "How long were you there?" I ask.

"Long enough to know you have had a blossom! Now come on!" He smiles. I wheel out towards him.

I can already feel myself getting better as I drink the rest of the Slumberberry Tea.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed! ;) I love that you all love my story! I enjoy writing it for you guys! ;) Be sure to message art from KOTLC and I'll put it up! ;) Thanks for reading! Stay beautiful! ;)


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