Chapter 18 Keefe's POV

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"Keefe!" Foster yells, chasing me.

"Foster!" I call over my shoulder, stifling my laughter.

Foster's chasing me because I took her homework. What? Sharing is caring! Now I know the answers, so all's well that ends well.

The council moved Sophie up a level since she has so many abilities.

We have the same Elementalism teacher and homework. What? I'm simply taking advantage of my resources.

I stop abruptly in my tracks, turn around, and Sophie collides into me.

"Here's your homework, you definitely don't want to forget it," I smile sweetly.

Sophie gives me a playful glare.

"I'm sorry!" I hear a familiar voice yell in the hallway. Oh yeah, we still have to go to school.

"Save it Fitz," I hear a soft voice crack. Lihn.

I rush over to her.

"Hey, come on, lets get out of here," I sat quietly.

Sophie looks at me, and I notice a short flare of jealousy. Oh, Foster thinks I like Lihn, well there's only one person I care about. And it isn't a she, it's me. Just kidding, I love you Foster if you're reading my mind! ;)

Lihn nods and I lead her out of there. I take her into a private closet filled with gardening tools.

"Fitz is a butt. I'm just going to say that. He wants what he wants, and gets angry when it doesn't go his way. I'm sorry he was so manipulative when it came to one dance. He's dramatic and a brat, but he does have emotions. He honestly feels awful, and hates me for it. So, I guess I'm trying to say it'll be okay, and if anyone makes fun of you, Super Keefe will be to the rescue!" I put one fist in the air like that Super Guy.

Lihn gives me a weak smile, "Thanks Keefe, but the worst thing is, I was to niave to go with my gut. I knew that he liked Sophie, I was just hoping," She trails off.

"I know what you mean, but the best person to talk to about this stuff is Dex. He knows what it's like to be friend-zoned or to be manipulated. You can talk to me, but Dex knows what it's like to be shutout. So, yeah," I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"Thanks," Lihn whispers. She walks towards the exit and stops, "Oh and Keefe,"


"Sophie really likes you, even when she tries to hide it, so don't mess it up!" Lihn smirks.

She leaves. She's been gone for a good thirty seconds, "I'll try," I whisper to myself.


LUNCH! Yeah, I didn't get detention yet! It's a new record. I literally have been in school for three days, and I haven't gotten in trouble. That doesn't mean I haven't tried to stink up a few classrooms.

"Foster!" I run up to her.

"Keefe," She has a confused, amused look on her face.

"So, I talked to the council a few days ago, and they're thinking about not getting rid of your ability!" I smile.

"Keefe, you could've been exiled for questioning authority!" Sophie whisper yells.

"Yeah, but it was worth it. Now you don't have to worry as much," I shrug.

Sophie smiles up at me, and I smile back.

I sit next to her at our table. Lihn and Tam sit here also, unfortunately Fitz slams his tray down.

"Fitz, it might not be--"

"Shut it Keefe! I wouldn't even be in this mess if you hadn't blinded Sophie of her true affections!" Fitz shouts.

Sophie gets angry, I feel it radiating off of her.

"Oh, what and you do? Last time I checked you were only a telepath!" Sophie retorts. It's funny she says only a telepath as if it were a bad thing. I let out a laugh, but Fitz' glare shuts me up.

"I know you love me Sophie, I could tell from the start. You've always liked me," Fitz crosses his arms snottily.

"Fitz," I warn.

He snorts, "Wow Keefe, really? I honestly thought you could do better then this," He crinkles his nose referring to me.

"Fitz, leave everyone alone! Maybe if you were smart you could tell that no one here is welcoming your presence! Not even your sister!" I stand up, and keep my voice firm.

He looks at Sophie, "Sophie, you can do better then him. He BETRAYED you, yet you still fall head over heels for him. Figures, you're just like Jolie, except this time, you both will burn!" FItz glares.

He just compared her to Jolie and Brant. That's it. I lunged. Fitz smiled. I knew he wanted me to do this, prove his point even more, but I don't care anymore.

I tackle him to the ground. Fitz rolls on top of me, but I'm quick to dodge his punches. I catch his fist and twist, he groans in pain. I flip him over, straddle his arms with my legs. I punch him in his face, he headbutts me. I ignore the pain. We roll around on the ground. He gets in a good punch on my nose, but the Neverseen taught me things. I punched him in his jaw, I pinned him.

"You are still the Neverseen's golden boy, and you always will be," Fitz smiles, but his teeth are covered in blood. I know Sophie is trying to stop this but I don't need her to.

I stand up, and help Fitz up. Fitz punches me in the face. I stop retaliating. Another thing I learned was retaliation is weakness. When you fight back, you give them the upper hand. People can find out the strangest things that way, like how I'm insecure about being similar to be father.

He punches me over and over and over again. I see Sophie charging. She's angry and scared. I hear her scream out my name, but I don't care anymore. Fitz is broken. He's confused, hurt, and scared. I let him take it out on me. Better me then somebody else. I close my swelling eyes, I feel him start to give.

"You've always been a coward Keefe!" He shouts.

I don't respond.

"Sophie will realize she loves me, one day she will! And I'll be there for her when you betray her again. Sophie will always be miserable with you, you're a disease! You ruin everything you lay your eyes on!" Fitz screams in my face.

"I hope you are happy," I whisper sincerely. And with that Fitz grabs a tray and brings it down on my head.

I should get used to the world of blackness and Sophie's screams.


A/N: I-Wow-Oh my. That was--some chapter. Okay then. I hope you guys liked it!



And leave suggestions.

More importantly, Stay Beautiful!


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