Chapter 17 - You're The One That I Wanted To Find

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Chris' POV

The next morning I was awakened by the noise of the door being opened. We had decided to both stay at my place last night. After I got up and walked towards the entrance of my house to find out what was wrong I saw Jonny lifting two small suitcases into my car.

"What the hell are you doing?", I asked Jonny still sounding tired and a little bit amused.

"You'll see.", Jonny replied with a grin.
"We need some time to get away from all this chaos called our lives. You know, to clear our minds and finally have some time for just the two of us."

"But what about the album? We're short on time to finish it anyway!"

"I settled the whole thing with the others already. They'll give us a few days off. Just trust me."

The rational and diligent part of me wanted to keep discussing, tell Jonny we could do that any time the album was finished and stay here now. But this time I ignored my inner voice and decided to give in to Jonny's spontaneity.

I could tell by Jonny's eyes how excited he was and hoped for me just to go along with it.

I smiled at him in the thought of all the things we could do together, just the two of us, no other people, no stress.

"Okay, I'll trust you just this one time. I can't believe you planned all this without even telling me!"

Jonny's eyes lit up even more and his lips formed into his cutest Jonny-smile.
I started tickling his belly which I knew he didn't like. Something about the two of us spending time with each other made us become like totally immature children again and we didn't even care. It's always been like that with Jonny and me. 
We both had to giggle and kept half teasing, half kissing each other after we made it to the sofa without falling down. After a few minutes Jonny stopped me, still trying not to laugh while speaking.

"Come on, we gotta get ready. You just woke up I suppose?"

I laughed. Jonny always liked to make jokes about me getting up late cause he was more of a morning person. I in contrast could be up until 4am working.

After getting ready as quickly as possible we both jumped into my car. Jonny insisted on driving himself and he also wouldn't tell me where we were going no matter how often I would ask him about it.

"No! It's a secret. You'll know once we arrived."

I had to admit, I was getting more and more excited about this trip. Not only that I couldn't wait to find out what Jonny's oh so secret destination was, the idea of having a few days just for the two of us with (hopefully) no people who knew us around also made my stomach tingle. Who knew which kind of new things we could discover and try out...

A few hours later I could tell we had to be getting closer to our destination because we slowed down and left the motorway.

A few minutes later we arrived at a large and dusty car park. Apart from one old coach it was empty. Something about the place and the whole area seemed strangely familiar, almost like I had once seen it in a dream or something.
Then suddenly it all seemed to come back to my mind.

"Oh my God! I can't believe you even remember!"

I jumped out of the car like a little kid, so many memories from my childhood coming back to me.

When I was small I used to go here every year for summer camp and it had been my favorite place on earth.
It was such a beautiful place in the nature near Dartmoor and apart from a few houses that were hardly worth calling a village there was no civilization miles around.

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