Chapter 7

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Ross's P.O.V

I was confused to why Melody randomly brought up something about Laura liking Rocky. I mean, we only just met the girl and she's trying to tear us apart.

"Ross, I was thinking.." Laura said, swiftly grabbing my hand. "That we could go on a picnic later? Just me, you and Marie. As a family. I know this beautiful place around here, seeing as I've been here before.." I smiled. "Of course. It'd be nice to just have the family."

She giggled and kissed me. I saw Melody storm off to Rocky. What's her problem??

The concerts over and it went pretty well. No one asked about Marie, which was good because things could've gotten hectic, mostly, people were talking about Ryan.

"Rocky, can I talk to you?" I asked. "Sure, bro." We walked to a corner. "Whats up?" He folded his arms.

"It's Melody." He suddenly seemed more interested. "What about her?" I just looked at him. "Why did she ask you earlier about Laura making googly eyes at you?" Rocky just shrugged. "She obviously just wants attention." He said. "Rocky, don't you get it? She wants more than attention. She wants an argument. She made up a lie about Laura. They don't know eachother at all?!" I kind of shouted.

He just looked at me. "She hasn't gotten to know Laura yet. And I think she's annoyed at her because I used to have feelings for her and she thinks that I'm gonna keep flirting with her. So I just ignore it, she'll get bored." He said and walked off.

Damn it.

Melody's P.O.V

"Laura, can we talk?" I asked sweetly. "Yeah, whats wrong?" She asked. "Listen, we got off to a rough start but I want us to be good friends, so what do you say?" I fake smiled. She shrugged. "Whatever." I ran infront of her as she walked. "What do you mean 'whatever'? Yes or no?" I sounded desperate but I needed her to like me if I wanted this plan to work.

"Sure, Melody, look, I don't have time for this. I'm really busy." She spat and walked off. I sighed, I could feel anger building up inside me. Why is she so fake, if Ross saw what she's really like, he'd leave her and come to me.

I brushed off the fact that my plan hadn't worked yet. I headed over to the others. Then the perfect idea hit me. "Wanna come to Lazer Quest?!" [Lazer Quest is what we call Lazer Tag over here in the UK] I shouted. Everyone said yes apart from Ross and Laura. "Uh.. " I didn't want Laura to come. "Ross.. a-are you coming?"

He looked at Laura. "Ross, go. I'll be okay. I have to plan for the picnic later." She smirked, kissing him. "I love you." He kissed her lips again and joined us.

"Let's go!" I screamed as we all headed to Lazer Quest. We arrived and started playing. "AW DAMN IT" I heard Rocky shout. Then I heard Riker laughing. I tried my hardest to find Ross but it's so freaking dark. "OH, THAT'S NOT FAIR." Ryland whined. I went around the corner and saw Ross. I smirked to myself and pretended I couldn't see him and ran into him. "Oh" I fake mumbled.

"Woah." He grabbed me quickly. "Who are you so mad at?" He chuckled. I could feel his pure, muscular arms wrapped around me. "Uh, um.. " I looked into his eyes. "I was looking for R-Ryland.." I lied. He just smiled. "He's easy to get." I could tell he was getting awkward with the situation, seconds later, his arms were no longer around me. "Lets uh, let's go and get him." He said and ran off.


I followed him and we played until we got tired. "Can we go now?" I whined. "Sure, babe." Rocky grinned, kissing me. "That was awesome!" Ross yelled, high fiving Riker. Wow, he must've forgotten what moment we shared earlier. "We should totally go again tomorrow." He replied.

Ross's P.O.V

We got back and I saw Laura and Marie, with the picnic basket, I rushed over. "Ready for that perfect night out?" I kissed her lips. "You bet." She smiled. I picked up Marie and we left for the picnic.

We arrived at this beautiful place. I'm not sure where it is, but London is filled with beautiful places. "So, how did you find this place?" I asked, looking around. She shrugged. "When I was about seven, we used to come to London alot because of my aunt and uncle, and I used to just go on adventures with Nessa and we came across this place and I always told myself the next time I came back here, I'd be married to a prince." And she burst out laughing. Then I looked at her. "Excuse me?"

She saw my face and laughed. "Okay, you'll do." I laughed and kissed her. Marie started running about. "MUMMY, DADDY." She squealed, doing little jumps. "Go careful." Laura said, as we unpacked the picnic.

"And I packed these." Laura grinned, holding up a jar of pickles. "You would." I replied, she stuck her tongue out at me. We dug in and started eating.

Then we looked at the time. Hours had passed and it was 10pm, we need to get back. "Laur, We should go now, I mean, Marie's fast asleep on me, and it's late." I said. She sighed and nodded. "You're right." She got up and we packed the things away then headed back to the car.

"Where's the car?!" I yelled, getting angry. "Ross, calm down.." She said. "HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?! SOMEONE HAS STOLEN THAT CAR! DAD LET ME RENT ONE AND HE'S GONNA KILL ME!" I screamed. Marie woke up and started crying so Laura took her from me and rocked her back to sleep.

"Look, let's go home and tell your dad everything." She said softly. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have left the keys in there."

"Yeah.. Ross, sorry to enlighten you but nobody leaves their keys in the car." She giggled a little. "Look, I'm sorry for yelling but dad is gonna literally kill me, he's paying so much money for that car." I said.

She just kissed me softly and we started walking back to the hotel. "Shit, where's my phone?! THE PHONE WAS IN THE CAR!!!!!" I started getting restless again.

"Ross." She firmly said. "We'll get the car, we'll get your phone, but please, calm down, Marie's sleeping." She said.

I nodded and we went into the hotel. We went to mom and dad's room. "Mom, dad.. the car-- the car got stolen." I said. "WHAT?!" Mark yelled. "It's not my fault! Someone couldn't keep their theiving hands to themselves." I screamed back. "Guys, calm down." Stormie said. "What the heck? That car is costing me thousands! How could you be so irresponsible, Ross?!" He said.

"I shouldn't have to keep watch of the car wherever I go!"

"GUYS!" Stormie shouted, which made us go quiet. "W-What's all the shouting?" Rocky asked, walking in with Melody. She seemed to have a weird expression on her face.

"Nothing, just get back to your room." Mark said. "O- Okay." Rocky sighed, grabbing Melody's hand.

"Let's just get a good night's sleep and we'll sort things out tomorrow."

Ooh, haha, who do you think stole the car and Ross's phone??

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