Chapter 11

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Laura's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times, letting my vision adjust. I leaned over and planted a soft, gentle, loving kiss on Ross's cheek.

He was still sleeping, lightly snoring, which I found adorable, and dare I say, a little attractive.

I climbed out of bed and walked over to Marie. She's now sleeping in toddler beds and I'm glad my dad hired out this one whilst we're in Manchester. It looks super comfy.

"Mummy." She grinned. "Morning princess." I smiled, kissing her cheek and giving her a cuddle. "Want some breakfast?" I asked. She nodded.

We headed to the kitchen and I started making Marie some oatmeal. I sat her in the highchair and let her feed herself. She's so amazing. I began on my own breakfast. Pancakes. As usual. I guess I can't complain, this hotel keeps you topped up on groceries, so we have things to make our pancakes more interesting.

I cooked them, and being the kind wife I am, I set some out on the table for Ross when he wakes up.

I finished eating and got Marie dressed. We were all going to the beach today, there's a gorgeous beach just a few blocks from here.

"Morning baby." Ross came out of the bedroom and slumped into one of the chairs. "Morning."

He saw the stack of pancakes and I could see his mouth literally dripping. "They're yours. I made them." I laughed. "You're the best." He kissed me and started eating.

We got dressed and packed our swimsuits and headed to Rydel and Ratliff's room, seeing as they'd texted, meaning they're already up.

Rydel's P.O.V

"This isn't funny. I still feel terrible for Rocky. He's still so depressed." I said, pacing back and forth. Ellington was just sat on the couch, flicking through the channels on the TV. "Rydel, we're doing everything to cheer him up, this is kind of what happens with this kind of stuff." He replied.

"But, that kind of stuff has never happened to Rocky before, he got all the girls he wanted." I sighed. "I'm not saying he's a man-whore, but with that hair, he just swoons the ladies and he deserves a girl who truly loves him."

"Look." He started, getting off of the couch and walking over to me. He placed his hands on my shoulders gently and looked into my eyes. "I understand where you're coming from. But beating yourself up won't do anything. We all care about Rocky. We all are supporting him. But we honestly, can't do much more. We need to get him someone. Someone that won't take him just for his brothers."

I sighed and nodded. He smiled and kissed my lips softly. We headed out of the bedroom and were faced with Ross and Laura. "How long have you guys been here?" I asked, scratching the back of my head. Pursing my lips.

"About two minutes. We heard everything. Look, Rocky will find someone. In the meantime, we're doing all we can to make him the Rocky we knew a few days ago." Ross said, raising an eyebrow.

We all nodded and headed down to the lobby to be greeted by Riker, Rocky and Ryland.

Rocky looked a mess. His hair was a mess, he hadn't even brushed his teeth because wow, I could smell that stench from a mile away, and he was wearing yesterdays clothes. "Rocky." I stared at him.

He just continued looking at the floor. Occasionally scrolling through his phone from time to time.

We brushed it off and headed for the beach.

Laura's P.O.V

We arrived and it was beautiful. There weren't that many people, there were a bunch of surfboards stacked up nicely against some shacks, full of snacks and drinks. I could smell the hotdogs and stuff being cooked.

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