Chapter 5

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"Supernatural! Pick him up and carry him to the safe room!" Homestuck started walking up the stairs.

"Yeah ok." Supernatural nodded. "You guys can go on without me."

Everyone else started heading to the room. As they were leaving Supernatural started heading down the stairs. He picked up Hetalia and started carrying him. Once he turned back around to face the stairs everyone else finally was gone. He then started heading up the stairs with Hetalia in his arms. As he was heading up the stairs he then saw something peeking out the corner. Supernatural slowed down and ended up stopping looking at the thing. After a few seconds the thing went away and Supernatural started heading up the stairs much faster. Once he was up the stairs he looked down each hall. He then heard a door opening behind him. He quickly turned around and saw the monster looking at him. Supernatural's eyes opened wide and he turned around and ran away with Hetalia to the safe room. He heard the monster running behind him. As he reached the door Sherlock opened it and Supernatural ran in.

"CLOSE THE DOOR!" Supernatural screamed.

Sherock closed it and locked it. He then looked at Supernatural.

"What happened?" Sherlock asked.

"The...the monster! I-It was chasing me!" Supernatural took a deep breath. "...I-It just appeared!"

"Ok calm down." Sherlock said. "Now we need to put Hetalia on a bed. That was quite and accident."

"No I don't think it was an accident." Supernatural looked at Hetalia.

"What? Why?" Sherlock asked. "He could have tripped. No one was behind us."

"...I'll just...tell you in the safe room." Supernatural sighed.

Sherlock helped Supernatural get Hetalia in the safe room. Once they were in Supernatural calmed down for a bit and then told Sherlock what happened.

"Hetalia didn't fall on accident Sherlock." Supernatural had a serious look on his face. "Somebody pushed him."

"It was an accident. You know how he is." Sherlock said. "He's clumsy and we didn't see anybody behind us at all. And I know neither of us would push him."

"Look. I saw someone or something poking its head out the corner of the hall just above the stairs." Supernatural said quietly. "It wasn't the others or you. I know that. It showed up when you guys left."

"Supernatural this sounds ridiculous." Sherlock sighed.

"I'm telling the truth Sherlock!" Supernatural was glaring. "Hell the monster just appeared and chased me! Don't you dare say I'm crazy! Ask Hetalia when he wakes up! He'll tell you what happened!"

Supernatural walked away and went to the bathroom. Homestuck and Doctor Who stared at Sherlock as he just sighed and went to go check on Hetalia.

Supernatural went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and stared for a moment.He couldn't be crazy. He saw it with his own eyes. Supernatural turned the faucet and put his hand under the running water. He splashed some water onto his face and took a deep breath. After he calmed down he went back with the others. Sherlock was with the other two at the table. He went to check on Hetalia. Hetalia was tucked under the blanket and was breathing calmly. As Supernatural was about to leave he saw Hetalia move a bit. He stared at Hetalia for a moment and saw his eyes open.

"Guys he's awake." Supernatural looked at the others.

Homestuck ran towards the bed and smiled. Hetalia sat up and looked at everyone. He then smiled.

"Glad you're ok!" Homestuck hugged Hetalia.

"Yeah nice to see you're doing ok." Supernatural smiled slightly.

"Hey Heta can I ask you about what happened?" Sherlock asked.

"It was weird." Doctor Who added.

"Well I remember falling down the stairs because someone pushed me." Hetalia answered.

"But there was nothing behind us." Sherlock said.

"I clearly felt hands on my back." Hetalia turned to Sherlock. "I did not imagine it. I know that for sure. Please believe me. You know how weird this house is."

"I believe you." Supernatural smiled.

"Well if you say so then I could believe you." Sherlock said. "If that happened then we need to be more careful."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

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