Chapter 3

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Hetalia explained everything to Homestuck, Sherlock, and Doctor Who. Supernatural already knew everything. The others didn't know what to say. Then Sherlock pointed something out.

"It's like that game. What was it called...oh Hetaoni." Sherlock said. "You must know how to get out."

"Sadly I don't...the game wasn't finished." Hetalia sighed. "And the situation that we are in is much different. So I don't know how everything will go...but I can try."

"And the note that you showed us. It was some kind of invisible ink huh?" Sherlock said.

"Yeah that's why I marked you guys with it so I know the difference." Hetalia looked at the pen. "I just wish we had more so everyone could have one. You know just in case."

"We have a few pens on the table. We tried them out but nothing came out of it." Doctor Who said. "You could try them out to see if their the ones like yours."

Hetalia nodded. He walked towards the table and saw four pens. He grabbed them and shook them all. They all gave out a light. He smiled and gave everyone a pen.

"So if we split up you ask for their hand. They should give you their right hand since I marked all of your right hands." Hetalia looked at everyone. "If they give you their left hand instead then it's not the real one and you should run away. Don't lose the pens. Understand?"

Everyone nodded and put their pens in their pockets. Hetalia then started to look around the room they were in. It was a safe place. 

"Is there any more weapons for everyone?" Hetalia asked looking around the room.

"Oh yeah in the box over there." Sherlock pointed to the corner of the room. "I think there one you might like."

Hetalia went to the box and took the lid off. Sherlock's right, there is something that he really likes. He found a katana. Hetalia smiled and took it. There were other weapons as well. For example there were knives and guns too. As Hetalia looked deeper in the box he found a first aid kit and other healing stuff.

"This is perfect!" Hetalia smiled. "This box has everything! Refills for the guns, something to sharpen the knives and katana with, and stuff to heal us if we get injured!"

"That's good." Homestuck smiled.

So everyone chose their preferred weapon. Sherlock and Homestuck got a gun and some bullets. Supernatural and Doctor Who got the knives. Of course Hetalia got the katana. Hetalia looked at Sherlock.

"Did you look around the room outside of the closet?" Hetalia asked. "We should look for some keys since almost every door is locked."

"No we didn't look around." Sherlock answered.

"Ok let's go then." Hetalia said walking towards the door. "Oh and remember to also look for notes or any papers."

Everyone nodded and they all started to head out of the closet. Once they were out Sherlock closed the doors. The room had a bed, bookshelves, a desk with a lamp on it, and some drawers. There was also a rug. Hetalia walked to bookshelves. He checked some books to see if there was something in them like a note or something. After looking through a book Hetalia put it back. As he was doing that he saw a book was missing.

Sherlock was checking the desk. There really was nothing. As Sherlock was looking around he saw a little piece of paper under the lamp. He picked the lamp up and grabbed the piece of paper. It had numbers on it but they were written in different colors. The numbers were '5' which was green, '9' which was red, '7' which was blue, and '2' which was yellow.

Supernatural and Doctor Who were checking the drawers. They checked all of them but one. They opened the last drawer. It had a piece of paper. They grabbed it and Supernatural kept it in his pocket. There wasn't as much but at least they found something.

Homestuck was just checking the bed. There really wasn't much to check but he knelt down and looked under the bed. He saw a book under the bed. He reached for it and then finally grabbed it. He smiled and  decided to open. When he tried it wouldn't open. Homestuck got confused and tried his hardest to get it opened. He sighed. It was a fake book. 

Hetalia then asked what everyone found. Sherlock gave the note that had numbers to Hetalia.

"Looks like a code for something." Sherlock said. "We just have to find where it goes to."

"Oh ok." Hetalia gave the note back. "We'll look for it later."

"We found a piece of paper." Supernatural took out the paper.

"We haven't read it yet but we know there's writing on it." Doctor Who said.

"Ok that's good. We'll read it later." Hetalia smiled. "How about you Homestuck?"

"Well I found this fake book." Homestuck sighed. "It won't open. Not really useful."

"Wait can I see it for a moment?"  Hetalia asked.

Homestuck handed the fake book to Hetalia. Hetalia walked to the shelf. He then put the fake book in the empty space. Once he did that, everyone heard a click. Hetalia turned his head and looked for the source that made the noise. He then looked at the rug. He knelt down and moved the rug to the side. There was the little door with a handle. He pulled o it and it opened. There was a ladder going down. Hetalia looked at the other's and then back at the ladders. Hetalia started to head down.

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